anim.plots (version 0.2.2)

anim.plot: Create an animated plot.








# S3 method for default anim.plot( x, y = NULL, times = 1:length(x), speed = 1, show = TRUE, use.times = TRUE, window = if (identical(fn, lines)) t:(t + 1) else t, window.process = NULL, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, col = par("col"), xaxp = NULL, yaxp = NULL, pch = par("pch"), cex = 1, labels = NULL, asp = NULL, lty = par("lty"), lwd = par("lwd"), fn = plot, ... )

# S3 method for formula anim.plot( formula, data = parent.frame(), subset = NULL, fn = plot, window = t, ... )

# S3 method for default anim.points(...)

# S3 method for default anim.lines(...)

# S3 method for default anim.text(...)


# S3 method for formula anim.points(formula, ...)

# S3 method for formula anim.lines(formula, ...)

# S3 method for formula anim.text(formula, ...)


x, y

vectors of x and y coordinates. These can be passed in any way accepted by xy.coords.


a vector of times. If times is length one, there will be that many frames, equally divided over the length of x and y.


animation speed.


if false, do not show plot; just return calls.


if TRUE, animation speed is determined by the times argument. If FALSE, animation speed is constant.


what window of times to show in each animation. The default, t, shows just plots from time t. To draw a plot incrementally, use window=1:t.


function to call on each window of each times. See details.

xlim, ylim, col, pch

arguments passed to plot.

labels, cex, lty, lwd

as above.

asp, xaxp, yaxp, ...

as above.


function called to create each frame.


a formula of the form y ~ x + time.


a data frame from where the values in formula should be taken.


a vector specifying which rows of data to use.


Each unique level of times will generate a single frame of animation. The frames will be ordered by times.

In general:

  • Parameters that apply to each point of the plot, such as xlim, ylim, col, pch, labels and cex, can be passed as vectors which will be recycled to length(times).

  • Parameters that apply to the plot as a whole, and always have length 1, such as xlab and main, can be passed as vectors and will be recycled to the number of frames.

  • Parameters that apply to the plot as a whole, and can have length > 1, such as xlim and ylim, can be passed as vectors or matrices. If vectors, the same vector will be passed to every frame. If matrices, column i will be passed to the i'th frame.

window.process should be a function which takes two arguments: a list of potential arguments for the underlying call to plot, and a vector of times. The function should return the list of arguments after modification. This allows e.g. drawing "trails" of plot points. See the example


Run this code
x <- rep(1:100/10, 10)
times <- rep(1:10, each=100)
y <- sin(x*times/4)
anim.plot(x,y,times, type="l", col="orange", lwd=2)

## changing colours - a per-point parameter
anim.plot(x,y,times, ylab="Sine wave", type="p", col=rainbow(100)[x *10])

## changing line width - a whole-plot parameter
anim.plot(x, y, times, lwd=1:10, type="l")
## times as a single number
anim.plot(1:10, 1:10, times=5)
## incremental plot
anim.plot(1:10, 1:10, window=1:t)

## moving window
anim.plot(1:10, 1:10, window=(t-2):t)

## Formula interface
ChickWeight$chn <- as.numeric(as.factor(ChickWeight$Chick))
tmp <- anim.plot(weight ~ chn + Time, data=ChickWeight, col=as.numeric(Diet), 
     pch=as.numeric(Diet), speed=3)

# adding extra arguments:
replay(tmp, after=legend("topleft", legend=paste("Diet", 1:4), pch=1:4, col=1:4))
 ## Zooming in:
 x <- rnorm(4000); y<- rnorm(4000)
 x <- rep(x, 10); y <- rep(y, 10)
 xlims <- 4*2^(-(1:10/10))
 ylims <- xlims <- rbind(xlims, -xlims) 
 anim.plot(x, y, times=10, speed=5, xlim=xlims, ylim=ylims, 
       col=rgb(0,0,0,.3), pch=19)
 ## window.process to create a faded "trail":
 anim.plot(1:50, 1:50, speed=12, window=t:(t+5), 
       window.process=function(args, times){
         times <- times - min(times) 
         alpha <- times/max(times)
         alpha[] <- 1
         args$col <- rgb(0,0,0, alpha)
 ## gapminder plot:
 pl <- palette(adjustcolor(rainbow(23), 1, .6, .6, .6, 
 anim.plot(lifex ~ GDP + year, data=gm_data, log="x", 
      cex=sqrt(pop)*0.0004, pch=19, col=region, xlab="GDP", 
      ylab="Life expectancy", speed=10, subset=year > 1850 & !year %% 5)
# }
 ## Earthquakes this week
 if (require('maps')) {
   eq = read.table(
       fill=TRUE, sep=",", header=TRUE)
   eq$time <- as.numeric(strptime(eq$Datetime, "%A, %B %d, %Y %X UTC"))
 eq <- eq[-1,]
   maxdepth <- max(max(eq$Depth), 200)
   tmp <- anim.points(Lat ~ Lon + time, data=eq, cex=Magnitude, col=rgb(
         1-Depth/maxdepth, 0, Depth/maxdepth,.7), pch=19, speed=3600*12, 
   replay(tmp, before=map('world', fill=TRUE, col="wheat"))
 ## Minard's plot
 if (require('maps')) {
   map('world', xlim=c(22, 40), ylim=c(52,58))
   title("March of the Grande Armee on Moscow")
   points(cities$long, cities$lat, pch=18)
   text(cities$long, cities$lat, labels=cities$city, pos=4, cex=.7)
   with(troops[troops$group==1,], anim.lines(x=long, 
         y=lat, window=t:(t+1), speed=3, lwd=survivors/10000))
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab