aod (version 1.3.1)

dja: Mortality of Djallonke Lambs in Senegal


Field trial to assess the effect of ewes deworming (prevention of gastro-intestinal parasitism) on the mortality of their offspring (age < 1 year). This data set is extracted from a large database on small ruminants production and health in Senegal (Lancelot et al., 1998). Data were collected in a sample of herds in Kolda (Upper Casamance, Senegal) during a multi-site survey (Faug<e8>re et al., 1992). See also the references below for a presentation of the follow-up survey (Faug<e8>re and Faug<e8>re, 1986) and a description of the farming systems (Faug<e8>re et al., 1990).





A data frame with 21 observations on the following 4 variables.


a factor with 2 levels: CTRL and TREAT, indicating the treatment.


a factor indicating the village of the herd.


a factor indicating the herd.


a numeric vector: the number of animals exposed to mortality.


a numeric vector: the exposition time to mortality (in year).


a numeric vector: the number of deaths.


Faug<e8>re, O., Faug<e8>re, B., 1986. Suivi de troupeaux et contr<U+0012C960>des performances individuelles des petits ruminants en milieu traditionnel africain. Aspects m<e9>thodologiques. Rev. Elev. M<e9>d. v<e9>t. Pays trop., 39 (1): 29-40. Faug<e8>re, O., Dock<e8>s, A.-C., Perrot, C., Faug<e8>re, B., 1990. L'<e9>levage traditionnel des petits ruminants au S<e9>n<e9>gal. I. Pratiques de conduite et d'exploitation des animaux chez les <e9>leveurs de la r<e9>gion de Kolda. Revue Elev. M<e9>d. v<e9>t. Pays trop. 43: 249-259. Faug<e8>re, O., Tillard, E., Faug<e8>re, B., 1992. Prophylaxie chez les petits ruminants au S<e9>n<e9>gal : r<e9>gionalisation d'une politique nationale de protection sanitaire. In: B. Rey, S. H. B. Lebbie, L. Reynolds (Ed.), First biennial conference of the African Small Ruminant Research Network, ILCA, 1990, ILRAD, Nairobi, pp. 307-314. Lancelot, R., Faye, B., Juan<e8>s, X., Ndiaye, M., P<e9>rochon, L., Tillard, E., 1998. La base de donn<e9>es BAOBAB: un outil pour mod<e9>liser la production et la sant<e9> des petits ruminants dans les syst<e8>mes d'<e9>levage traditionnels au S<e9>n<e9>gal. Revue Elev. M<e9>d. v<e9>t. Pays trop., 51 (2): 135-146.