ape (version 1.8-4)

panel.superpose.correlogram: Lattice panel used in 'plot.correlogramList'.


This a slightly modified version of the panel.superpose class to allow the use of different characters in a group line. Only two characters are used: filled circle for significant autocorrelation, and open circle for non significant ones. The level of significance and all p-values are passed as arguments.


panel.superpose.correlogram(x, y = NULL, subscripts, groups,
     panel.groups = "panel.xyplot",
     col, col.line = superpose.line$col,
     col.symbol = superpose.symbol$col,
     pch = superpose.symbol$pch,
     p.values = NULL, test.level = 0.05,
     cex = superpose.symbol$cex,
     font = superpose.symbol$font,
     fontface = superpose.symbol$fontface,
     fontfamily = superpose.symbol$fontfamily,
     lty = superpose.line$lty,
     lwd = superpose.line$lwd, ...)



This class is used in plot.correlogramList.

See Also

panel.superpose, plot.correlogramList