aroma.core (version 3.3.1)

AbstractPSCNData: The AbstractPSCNData class


Package: aroma.core
Class AbstractPSCNData


Directly known subclasses:
NonPairedPSCNData, PairedPSCNData

public class AbstractPSCNData
extends AbstractCNData

A AbstractPSCNData object holds parent-specific copy number data.


AbstractPSCNData(chromosome=NULL, x=NULL, isSNP=NULL, mu=NULL, ...)



(Optional) An integer scalar (or a vector of length J), which can be used to specify which chromosome each locus belongs to in case multiple chromosomes are segments. This argument is also used for annotation purposes.


Optional numeric vector of J genomic locations. If NULL, index locations 1:J are used.


An optional logical vector of length J specifying whether each locus is a SNP or not (non-polymorphic loci).


An optional numeric vector of J genotype calls in {0,1/2,1} for AA, AB, and BB, respectively, and NA for non-polymorphic loci.


Optional named locus-specific signal vectors of length J.

Fields and Methods

No methods defined.

Methods inherited from AbstractCNData:
findLargeGaps, getChipType, getLocusData, getPlatform, hasKnownPositions, orderAlongGenome, setChipType, setPlatform

Methods inherited from RawGenomicSignals:
*, +, -, addBy, append, applyBinaryOperator, as.character,, assertOneChromosome, binnedSmoothing, binnedSmoothingByField, clearCache, clone, divideBy, drawDensity, estimateStandardDeviation, extractChromosome, extractChromosomes, extractDataForSegmentation, extractRegion, extractRegions, extractSubset, gaussianSmoothing, getBasicField, getCXY, getChromosome, getChromosomes, getDefaultLocusFields, getLocusFields, getPositions, getSigma, getSignalColumnName, getSignalColumnNames, getSignals, getWeights, getXScale, getXY, getYScale, hasWeights, kernelSmoothing, lines, multiplyBy, nbrOfChromosomes, nbrOfLoci, plot, points, print, segmentByCBS, segmentByGLAD, segmentByHaarSeg, segmentByMPCBS, setBasicField, setSigma, setSignals, setWeights, setXScale, setYScale, signalRange, sort, subtractBy, xMax, xMin, xRange, xSeq, yMax, yMin, yRange

Methods inherited from RichDataFrame:
$, $<-, [, [[, [[<-,, as.list, dim, dropVirtualColumn, getColumnNames, getColumnNamesTranslator, getFullName, getName, getTags, getVirtualColumn, getVirtualColumnFunction, getVirtualColumnNames, hasColumn, hasColumns, hasVirtualColumn, hasVirtualColumns, length, names, newInstance, print, rbind, setAttributes, setColumnNamesMap, setColumnNamesTranslator, setName, setTags, setVirtualColumn, subset, translateColumnNames

Methods inherited from data.frame:
$<-,data.frame-method, $<-, Math, Ops,nonStructure,vector-method, Ops,structure,vector-method, Ops,vector,nonStructure-method, Ops,vector,structure-method, Ops, Summary, [, [<-,data.frame-method, [<-, [[, [[<-,data.frame-method, [[<-, aggregate, anyDuplicated, anyNA, as.NonPairedPSCNData, as.PairedPSCNData,, as.list, as.matrix, as.vector, attachLocally, by, callSegmentationOutliers, cbind, coerce,ANY,list-method, coerce,oldClass,S3-method, dim, dimnames, dimnames<-, dropSegmentationOutliers, droplevels, duplicated, edit, findLargeGaps, format, formula, head, initialize,oldClass-method,, merge, na.exclude, na.omit, plot, print, prompt, rbind, row.names, row.names<-, rowsum, segmentByCBS, segmentByPairedPSCBS, show,oldClass-method, slotsFromS3,data.frame-method, split, split<-, stack, str, subset, summary, t, tail, transform, type.convert, unique, unstack, unwrap, within, wrap, writeDataFrame, xtfrm


Henrik Bengtsson