arrow (version

Scanner: Scan the contents of a dataset


A Scanner iterates over a Dataset's fragments and returns data according to given row filtering and column projection. Use a ScannerBuilder, from a Dataset's $NewScan() method, to construct one.



ScannerBuilder has the following methods:

  • $Project(cols): Indicate that the scan should only return columns given by cols, a character vector of column names

  • $Filter(expr): Filter rows by an Expression.

  • $UseThreads(threads): logical: should the scan use multithreading? The method's default input is TRUE, but you must call the method to enable multithreading because the scanner default is FALSE.

  • $schema: Active binding, returns the Schema of the Dataset

  • $Finish(): Returns a Scanner

Scanner currently has a single method, $ToTable(), which evaluates the query and returns an Arrow Table.