arulesSequences (version 0.2-30)

match-methods: Match Objects


match finds the positions of first matches of a collection of sequences or sequence rules in an object of the same class.

%in% indicates matches of the left in the right operand. If the right operand is a vector of item labels indicates if a sequence contains any of the items given.

%ain% indicates if a sequence contains all the items given as the right operand.

%pin% indicates if a sequence contains any item matching the regular expression given as the right operand.

%ein% indicates if a sequence contains any itemset containing all the items given as the right operand.

duplicated indicates duplicate occurrences of sequences or sequence rules.


# S4 method for sequences,sequences
match(x, table, nomatch = NA_integer_, incomparables = NULL)

# S4 method for sequencerules,sequencerules match(x, table, nomatch = NA_integer_, incomparables = NULL)

## S4 methods for signature 'sequences, character': x %in% table x %ain% table x %pin% table x %ein% table

# S4 method for sequences duplicated(x, incomparables = FALSE)

# S4 method for sequencerules duplicated(x, incomparables = FALSE)


For match returns an integer vector of the same length as

x containing the position in table of the first match, or if there is no match the value of nomatch.

For %in%, %ain%, and %pin% returns a logical vector indicating for each element of x if a match was found in the right operand.

For duplicated a logical vector corresponding with the

elements of x.



an object.


an object (of the same class as x).


the value to be returned in the case of no match.


not used.


Christian Buchta

See Also

Class sequences, sequencerules, method labels, itemLabels.


Run this code
## continue example

## match
labels(s1[match(s2, s1)])
labels(s1[s1 %in% s2])	    # the same

## match items
labels(s2[s2 %in%  c("B", "F")])
labels(s2[s2 %ain% c("B", "F")])
labels(s2[s2 %pin% "F"])

## match itemsets
labels(s1[s1 %ein% c("F","B")])

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