batchtools (version 0.9.12)

makeClusterFunctionsInteractive: ClusterFunctions for Sequential Execution in the Running R Session


All jobs are executed sequentially using the current R process in which submitJobs is called. Thus, submitJob blocks the session until the job has finished. The main use of this ClusterFunctions implementation is to test and debug programs on a local computer.

Listing jobs returns an empty vector (as no jobs can be running when you call this) and killJob is not implemented for the same reasons.


  external = FALSE,
  write.logs = TRUE,
  fs.latency = 0



[logical(1)] If set to TRUE, jobs are started in a fresh R session instead of currently active but still waits for its termination. Default is FALSE.


[logical(1)] Sink the output to log files. Turning logging off can increase the speed of calculations but makes it very difficult to debug. Default is TRUE.


[numeric(1)] Expected maximum latency of the file system, in seconds. Set to a positive number for network file systems like NFS which enables more robust (but also more expensive) mechanisms to access files and directories. Usually safe to set to 0 to disable the heuristic, e.g. if you are working on a local file system.



See Also

Other ClusterFunctions: makeClusterFunctionsDocker(), makeClusterFunctionsLSF(), makeClusterFunctionsMulticore(), makeClusterFunctionsOpenLava(), makeClusterFunctionsSGE(), makeClusterFunctionsSSH(), makeClusterFunctionsSlurm(), makeClusterFunctionsSocket(), makeClusterFunctionsTORQUE(), makeClusterFunctions()