baytrends (version 1.1.0)

xyPlot: Plot Data


Creates a line/scatter plot.


xyPlot(x, y, Plot = list(), yaxis.log = FALSE, yaxis.rev = FALSE,
  yaxis.range = c(NA, NA), xaxis.log = FALSE, xaxis.range = c(NA,
  NA), ylabels = 7, xlabels = 7, xtitle = "", ytitle = "",
  caption = "", margin = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), ...)

# S4 method for numeric,numeric xyPlot(x, y, Plot = list(name = "", what = "points", type = "solid", width = "standard", symbol = "circle", filled = TRUE, size = 0.09, color = "black"), yaxis.log = FALSE, yaxis.rev = FALSE, yaxis.range = c(NA, NA), xaxis.log = FALSE, xaxis.range = c(NA, NA), ylabels = 7, xlabels = 7, xtitle = deparse(substitute(x)), ytitle = deparse(substitute(y)), caption = "", margin = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), ...)

# S4 method for factor,numeric xyPlot(x, y, Plot = list(name = "", what = "points", type = "solid", width = "standard", symbol = "circle", filled = TRUE, size = 0.09, color = "black"), yaxis.log = FALSE, yaxis.rev = FALSE, yaxis.range = c(NA, NA), xaxis.log = FALSE, xaxis.range = c(NA, NA), ylabels = 7, xlabels = "Auto", xtitle = "", ytitle = deparse(substitute(y)), caption = "", margin = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), xlabels.rotate = FALSE, ...)

# S4 method for character,numeric xyPlot(x, y, Plot = list(name = "", what = "points", type = "solid", width = "standard", symbol = "circle", filled = TRUE, size = 0.09, color = "black"), yaxis.log = FALSE, yaxis.rev = FALSE, yaxis.range = c(NA, NA), xaxis.log = FALSE, xaxis.range = c(NA, NA), ylabels = 7, xlabels = "Auto", xtitle = "", ytitle = deparse(substitute(y)), caption = "", margin = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), xlabels.rotate = FALSE, ...)



the x-axis data to plot.


the y-axis data to plot.


parameters defining the characteristics of the plot. See setPlot for a description of the parameters.


logical, if TRUE, then log-transform the y axis.


logical, if TRUE, then reverse the y axis.


set the range of the y-axis. See Details.


logical, if TRUE, then log-transform the x axis.


set the range of the x-axis. See Details.


set up y-axis labels. See linearPretty for details.


set up x-axis labels. See linearPretty for details.


the x-axis title (also called x-axis caption).


the y-axis title (also called y-axis caption).


the figure caption.


set the plot area margins, in units of lines of text. Generally all NA or the output from setGraph if appropriate.


additional arguments for specific methods.


logical, if TRUE, then rotate x-axis labels 90 degrees (perpendicular to the axis).


Information about the graph


signature(x = "numeric", y = "numeric")

Create a line or scatter plot from numeric x and y data.

signature(x = "factor", y ="numeric")")

Create a vertical dot plot. Also useful for setting up a bar chart for discrete x-axis values.

signature(x = "character", y ="numeric")")

Create a vertical dot plot. Also useful for setting up a bar chart for discrete x-axis values.


Setting ylabels or xlabels to 0 or negtive values will suppress ticks and labels. If negative, then try to create that absolute value number of labels. That can be useful for relative axes or specialized labeling.

For linear axes, the range can be set to virtually any pair of values. For log axes, the choice of range is more resticted---for less than one log-cycle, powers of whole numbers can be used; from 1 to about 3 log cycles, the choces should be powers of 3 or 10; and for more than 3 log cycles, the range sould be expressed only in powers of 10.

Added from smwrGraphs.

See Also

setPage, timePlot, colorPlot


Run this code
X <- rnorm(32)
Y <- X + rnorm(32)
setGD() <- xyPlot(X, Y, Plot=list(color="cyan4"))
# For more details of xyPlot see
vignette(topic="GraphAdditions", package="smwrGraphs")
vignette(topic="GraphGallery", package="smwrGraphs")
vignette(topic="GraphSetup", package="smwrGraphs")
vignette(topic="LineScatter", package="smwrGraphs")
demo(topic="Coplot-complexScatterPlot", package="smwrGraphs")
demo(topic="TopAxisExample", package="smwrGraphs")
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab