baytrends (version 1.2.1)

Arith-censored: Arithmetic Methods for lcens, mcens, and qw objects


Some limited arithmetic methods are possible and well-defined for censored data. Water-quality data require specialized functions to maintain data integrity.


# S4 method for lcens,numeric
Arith(e1, e2)

# S4 method for numeric,lcens Arith(e1, e2)

# S4 method for lcens,lcens Arith(e1, e2)

# S4 method for mcens,numeric Arith(e1, e2)

# S4 method for numeric,mcens Arith(e1, e2)

# S4 method for mcens,mcens Arith(e1, e2)

# S4 method for qw,numeric Arith(e1, e2)

# S4 method for numeric,qw Arith(e1, e2)

# S4 method for qw,qw Arith(e1, e2)


e1, e2

numeric, censored, or water-quality data. Missing values are permitted in either argument and result in a missing value in the output.


An object of the appropriate class for the data.

See Also

add, ratio


Run this code
as.lcens(c(1, 3), 2) + 1
as.lcens(c(1, 3), 2) * 2

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab