baytrends (version 2.0.11)

.findFile: Find Recent File Information


Find recent file information based on folder and file name (allows for wildcard structure)


.findFile(folder = ".", file = "*.*", n = 1, fileNameOnly = TRUE)


returns file name as a character string



folder (i.e., directory to look in, can use relative path )


file (can use wildcards, e.g., "*.csv")


number of files to return (e.g., value of 1 returns most recent file, value of 'all' returns all files)


logical field, if TRUE only return file name


This function is used to search a selected directory for information about the most recently modified files in that directory. The default setting searches the current working directory. Relative directory addresses can be used. The default settings returns the name of the most recently modified file. Employing wildcards in the file argument can narrow the file search, e.g., "*.csv" will only return comma delimited files.

The default setting for the argument, n (of 1), will only return a single file. This value can be increased to any number (2, 3,...) to change the maximum number of files returned; or the argument can be set to 'all' to return all files. Setting the argument, fileNameOnly, to FALSE will result in returning additional file meta data related to file size, modified date/time and create date/time.

The results are in descending order of modified date/time.


Run this code
# name of most recently modified file
if (FALSE) {
.findFile()         # current directory
.findFile("..")     # one directory up
# list of files and common attributes one directory up
.findFile(folder="..", file="*.*", n=2, fileNameOnly=FALSE)      
                                                       #two most recent files
.findFile(folder="..", file="*.*", n="all", fileNameOnly=FALSE)  #all files

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