binom (version 1.0-4)

binom.optim: Optimal binomial confidence intervals


Uses optimization to minimize the integrated mean squared error between the calculated coverage and the desired confidence level for a given binomial confidence interval.


binom.optim(n, conf.level = 0.95, method = binom.lrt,
            k = n%/%2 + 1, p0 = 0, transform = TRUE,
            plot = FALSE, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5,
            start = NULL, ...)


The number of independent trials in the binomial experiment.
The level of confidence to be used in the confidence interval.
The method used to estimate the confidence interval.
See Details.
The minimum probability of success to allow in the optimization. See Details.
logical; If TRUE the optimizer will do an unconstrained optimization on the signficance probability in the logit space.
logical; If TRUE the results are sent to binom.plot.
The minimum significance level to allow in the optimization. See Details.
A starting value on the optimal confidence level.
Additional arguments to pass to optim.


  • A list with the following elements:

    • par
    {Final confidence levels. The length of this vector is k.}

  • valueThe final minimized value from optim.
  • countsThe number of function and gradient calls from optim.
  • convergenceConvergence code from optim.
  • messageAny message returned by the L-BFGS-B or BFGS optimizer.
  • confintA data.frame returned from a call to method using the optimized confidence levels.


This function minimizes the squared error between the expected coverage probability and the desired confidence level.


The optimizer will adjust confidence intervals for all x = 0 to n depending on the value of k provided. If k is one, only the confidence levels for x = 0 and n are adjusted. If k = [n/2] then all confidence intervals are adjusted. This assumes the confidence intervals are the same length for x = x[k] and x[n - k + 1], which is the case for all methods provided in this package except binom.cloglog.

See Also

binom.confint, binom.plot, binom.coverage, optim


Run this code
binom.optim(10, k = 1) ## determine optimal significance for x = 0, 10 only
binom.optim(3, method = binom.wilson) ## determine optimal significance for all x

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