bmrm (version 4.1)

iterative.hclust: Perform multiple hierachical clustering on random subsets of a dataset


Perform multiple hierachical clustering on random subsets of a dataset


iterative.hclust(x, seeds = 1:100, row.rate = 0.3, col.rate = 0.1,
  max.cluster = 10L, ret.height = FALSE, hc.method = function(x, PCs
  = 1:6, ...) {     hclust(dist(prcomp(x, rank. = max(PCs))$x[, PCs, drop =
  FALSE]), ...) }, ...)



the numeric matrix containing the data to cluster (one instance per row)


a vector of random seed to use.

row.rate, col.rate

numeric value in [0,1] to specify the proportion of instance (resp. feature) to subset at each random iteration.


upper bound on the number of expected cluster (can by +Inf).


a logical to specify whether the average merging height should be returned.


a clustering method of arity 1, taking as input a random subset of the input matrix x and returning an hclust object


additional arguments are passed to the hc.method


a list of 3 square matrices N,H,K of size nrow(x): N is the number of time each pair of instance as been seen in the random subsets; H is the corresponding sum of heights for the pairs; K is the sum of the number of split possible that still preserve the two samples into the same cluster.