broom (version 0.3.7)

finish_glance: Add logLik, AIC, BIC, and other common measurements to a glance of a prediction


A helper function for several functions in the glance generic. Methods such as logLik, AIC, and BIC are defined for many prediction objects, such as lm, glm, and nls. This is a helper function that adds them to a glance data.frame can be performed. If any of them cannot be computed, it fails quietly.


finish_glance(ret, x)


a one-row data frame (a partially complete glance)
the prediction model


  • a one-row data frame with additional columns added, such as
  • logLiklog likelihoods
  • AICAkaike Information Criterion
  • BICBayesian Information Criterion
  • deviancedeviance
  • df.residualresidual degrees of freedom
  • Each of these are produced by the corresponding generics


In one special case, deviance for objects of the lmerMod class from lme4 is computed with deviance(x, REML=FALSE).