car (version 1.2-4)

Ask: Change Argument to a Function Interactively


Ask allows you to change the argument to a function interactively. It is meant to be used, in lieu of a graphical control such as a slidebar, to adjust plotting parameters, which are most naturally passed as the argument to an anonymous function that sets up the plot.


Ask(arg, fun, ...)


argument to fun to change. By specifying a vector of values, you can change several parameters via an argument to an anonymous function.
function to call; often an anonymous function that sets up a call to plotting functions.
other arguments to fun; not necessary if fun is an anonymous function.


  • Ask returns invisibly the value of the last call to fun; usually this will be NULL, and in any event is probably not of interest. If it is, use print(Ask(arg, fun, ...)).


Ask repeatedly prompts in the R Console for the value of arg. To exit, enter a blank line.


Run this code

# enter the power-transformation parameter
# start with 1
Ask(p, function(p) qq.plot(box.cox(gdp, p), 
        ylab=paste("transformed gdp, power =",p)))

# enter an expression that evaluates to a 2-vector
# of powers; e.g., start with c(1,1); then interactively
# identify points in each plot
Ask(p, function(p) scatterplot(box.cox(gdp,p[1]), 
    box.cox(infant.mortality, p[2]), 
    xlab=paste("transformed GDP/capita, power =",p[1]),
    ylab=paste("transformed infant mortality, power =",p[2]),

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab