car (version 2.0-26)

compareCoefs: Print estimated coefficients and their standard errors in a table for several regression models.


This simple function extracts estimates of regression parameters and their standard errors from one or more models and prints them in a table.


compareCoefs(..., se = TRUE, print=TRUE, digits = 3)


One or more regression-model objects. These may be of class lm, glm, nlm, or any other regression method for which the functions coef and vcov return appropriate values, or if the object
If TRUE, the default, show standard errors as well as estimates, if FALSE, show only estimates.
If TRUE, the defualt, the results are printed in a nice format using printCoefmat. If FALSE, the results are returned as a matrix
Passed to the printCoefmat function for printing the result.


  • This function is used for its side-effect of printing the result. It returns a matrix of estimates and standard errors.


Fox, J. and Weisberg, S. (2011) An R Companion to Applied Regression, Second Edition, Sage.


Run this code
mod1 <- lm(prestige ~ income + education, data=Duncan)
mod2 <- update(mod1, subset=-c(6,16))
mod3 <- update(mod1, . ~ . + type)
compareCoefs(mod1, mod2)
compareCoefs(mod1, mod2, mod3)
compareCoefs(mod1, mod2, se=FALSE)

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