ciftiTools (version 0.14.0)

resample_gifti: Resample a GIFTI file (with its ROI)


Perform spatial resampling of GIFTI data on the cortical surface (metric and label), or of GIFTI surface geometry data itself.


  hemisphere = c("left", "right"),
  file_type = NULL,
  original_res = NULL,
  resamp_res = NULL,
  resamp_method = c("barycentric", "adaptive"),
  area_original_fname = NULL,
  area_target_fname = NULL,
  ROIcortex_original_fname = NULL,
  ROIcortex_target_fname = NULL,
  sphere_original_fname = NULL,
  sphere_target_fname = NULL,
  read_dir = NULL,
  write_dir = NULL

resampleGIfTI( original_fname, target_fname, hemisphere, file_type = NULL, original_res = NULL, resamp_res, ROIcortex_original_fname = NULL, ROIcortex_target_fname = NULL, read_dir = NULL, write_dir = NULL )

resamplegii( original_fname, target_fname, hemisphere, file_type = NULL, original_res = NULL, resamp_res, ROIcortex_original_fname = NULL, ROIcortex_target_fname = NULL, read_dir = NULL, write_dir = NULL )


The resampled GIFTI file name, invisibly



The GIFTI file to resample.


Where to save the resampled file.


"left" (default) or "right". An error will occur if the hemisphere indicated in the GIFTI metadata does not match.


"metric", "label", "surf", or NULL (default) to infer from original_fname.


The resolution of the original file. If NULL (default), infer from the file. Alternatively, provide sphere_original_fname which will override original_res.

In general, original_res should be used when the original file is in registration with the spheres created by the Workbench command -surface-create-sphere, and sphere_original_fname should be used when it is not compatible.


Target resolution for resampling (number of cortical surface vertices per hemisphere). Alternatively, provide sphere_target_fname which will override resamp_res.

In general, resamp_res should be used when the target file will be in registration with the spheres created by the Workbench command -surface-create-sphere, and sphere_target_fname should be used when it is not compatible.


"barycentric" (default) or "adaptive" resampling. These options correspond to the Workbench command options "BARYCENTRIC" and "ADAP_BARY_AREA", respectively.

While adaptive resampling is recommended for metric or label data, it requires that area_original_fname be provided.

area_original_fname, area_target_fname

File paths to the surfaces to use for vertex area correction during adaptive resampling. (Ignored if resampling with the barycentric method.) area_original_fname should match the current resolution of the data, and area_target_fname should match resamp_res. If area_target_fname is not provided, area_original_fname will be resampled with the barycentric method, and the result will be used as area_target_fname.


The name of the ROI file corresponding to original_fname. Leave as NULL (default) if this doesn't exist or shouldn't be resampled.


The name of the resampled ROI file. Only applicable if ROIcortex_original_fname is provided.

sphere_original_fname, sphere_target_fname

File paths to the sphere surfaces in the original and target resolutions. If possible, the simpler arguments original_res and resamp_res can be used instead. But those depend on the surface being compatible with that created by -surface-create-sphere, which isn't always true. Therefore sphere_original_fname and sphere_target_fname can be used if needed.


Directory to append to the path of every file name in original_fname and ROIcortex_original_fname. If NULL (default), do not append any directory to the path.


Directory to append to the path of every file name in target_fname and ROIcortex_target_fname. If NULL (default), do not append any directory to the path.

Connectome Workbench

This function interfaces with the "-metric-resample", "-label-resample", and/or "-surface-resample" Workbench commands, depending on the input.

See Also

Other gifting: remap_gifti(), smooth_gifti()