convey (version 1.0.0)

svyfgt: FGT measure of poverty


Estimate the FGT measure.


svyfgt(formula, design, ...)

# S3 method for svyfgt( formula, design, g, type_thresh = "abs", abs_thresh = NULL, percent = 0.6, quantiles = 0.5, na.rm = FALSE, thresh = FALSE, deff = FALSE, linearized = FALSE, influence = FALSE, ... )

# S3 method for svyfgt( formula, design, g, type_thresh = "abs", abs_thresh = NULL, percent = 0.6, quantiles = 0.5, na.rm = FALSE, thresh = FALSE, deff = FALSE, linearized = FALSE, return.replicates = FALSE, ... )

# S3 method for DBIsvydesign svyfgt(formula, design, ...)


Object of class "cvystat", which are vectors with a "var" attribute giving the variance and a "statistic" attribute giving the name of the statistic.



a formula specifying the income variable


a design object of class or class from the survey library.


passed to svyarpr and svyarpt


If g=0 estimates the headcount ratio; If g=1 estimates the average normalised poverty gap, and if g=2 estimates the average squared normalised poverty gap


type of poverty threshold. If "abs" the threshold is fixed and given the value of abs_thresh; if "relq" it is given by percent times the quantile; if "relm" it is percent times the mean.


poverty threshold value if type_thresh is "abs"


the multiple of the the quantile or mean used in the poverty threshold definition


the quantile used used in the poverty threshold definition


Should cases with missing values be dropped?


return the poverty threshold value


Return the design effect (see survey::svymean)


Should a matrix of linearized variables be returned?


Should a matrix of (weighted) influence functions be returned? (for compatibility with svyby). Not implemented yet for linearized designs.


Return the replicate estimates?


Djalma Pessoa, Anthony Damico, and Guilherme Jacob


you must run the convey_prep function on your survey design object immediately after creating it with the svydesign or svrepdesign function.

The FGT poverty measures have three special cases. When g = 0, the FGT measure is the headcount poverty rate, assigning the same "poverty-weight" to all persons below the poverty line. When g = 1, it becomes the poverty gap ratio, a measure which accounts for the intensity of income shortfall among the poor. When g = 2. it becomes the squared poverty gap ratio, a measure that also accounts for inequality of poverty intesity across the poor. The g is a poverty sensitivity parameter, adding more weight to people with greater income shortfalls as it increases.


James Foster, Joel Greer and Erik Thorbecke (1984). A class of decomposable poverty measures. Econometrica, Vol.52, No.3, pp. 761-766.

Y.G. Berger and C. J. Skinner (2003), Variance estimation for a low income proportion. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), Vol. 52, No. 4, pp. 457-468. DOI tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1111/1467-9876.00417")

Buhong Zheng (2001). Statistical inference for poverty measures with relative poverty lines. Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 101, pp. 337-356.

Guillaume Osier (2009). Variance estimation for complex indicators of poverty and inequality. Journal of the European Survey Research Association, Vol.3, No.3, pp. 167-195, ISSN 1864-3361, URL

Jean-Claude Deville (1999). Variance estimation for complex statistics and estimators: linearization and residual techniques. Survey Methodology, 25, 193-203, URL

See Also



Run this code
data(eusilc) ; names( eusilc ) <- tolower( names( eusilc ) )

# linearized design

des_eusilc <- svydesign( ids = ~rb030 , strata = ~db040 ,  weights = ~rb050 , data = eusilc )
des_eusilc <- convey_prep( des_eusilc )

# replicate-weighted design
des_eusilc_rep <- as.svrepdesign( des_eusilc , type = "bootstrap" )
des_eusilc_rep <- convey_prep( des_eusilc_rep )

# headcount ratio, poverty threshold fixed
svyfgt(~eqincome, des_eusilc, g=0,  abs_thresh=10000)
# poverty gap index, poverty threshold fixed
svyfgt(~eqincome, des_eusilc, g=1,  abs_thresh=10000)
# headcount ratio, poverty threshold equal to arpt
svyfgt(~eqincome, des_eusilc, g=0, type_thresh= "relq" , thresh = TRUE)
# poverty gap index, poverty threshold equal to arpt
svyfgt(~eqincome, des_eusilc, g=1, type_thresh= "relq", thresh = TRUE)
# headcount ratio, poverty threshold equal to .6 times the mean
svyfgt(~eqincome, des_eusilc, g=0, type_thresh= "relm", thresh = TRUE)
# poverty gap index, poverty threshold equal to 0.6 times the mean
svyfgt(~eqincome, des_eusilc, g=1, type_thresh= "relm" , thresh = TRUE)

#  using
# headcount ratio, poverty threshold fixed
svyfgt(~eqincome, des_eusilc_rep, g=0,  abs_thresh=10000)
# poverty gap index, poverty threshold fixed
svyfgt(~eqincome, des_eusilc, g=1,  abs_thresh=10000)
# headcount ratio, poverty threshold equal to arpt
svyfgt(~eqincome, des_eusilc_rep, g=0, type_thresh= "relq" , thresh = TRUE)
# poverty gap index, poverty threshold equal to arpt
svyfgt(~eqincome, des_eusilc, g=1, type_thresh= "relq", thresh = TRUE)
# headcount ratio, poverty threshold equal to .6 times the mean
svyfgt(~eqincome, des_eusilc_rep, g=0, type_thresh= "relm" , thresh = TRUE)
# poverty gap index, poverty threshold equal to 0.6 times the mean
svyfgt(~eqincome, des_eusilc_rep, g=1, type_thresh= "relm", thresh = TRUE)

if (FALSE) {

# database-backed design
dbfile <- tempfile()
conn <- dbConnect( RSQLite::SQLite() , dbfile )
dbWriteTable( conn , 'eusilc' , eusilc )

dbd_eusilc <-
		ids = ~rb030 ,
		strata = ~db040 ,
		weights = ~rb050 ,

dbd_eusilc <- convey_prep( dbd_eusilc )

# headcount ratio, poverty threshold fixed
svyfgt(~eqincome, dbd_eusilc, g=0, abs_thresh=10000)
# poverty gap index, poverty threshold fixed
svyfgt(~eqincome, dbd_eusilc, g=1, abs_thresh=10000)
# headcount ratio, poverty threshold equal to arpt
svyfgt(~eqincome, dbd_eusilc, g=0, type_thresh= "relq", thresh = TRUE)
# poverty gap index, poverty threshold equal to arpt
svyfgt(~eqincome, dbd_eusilc, g=1, type_thresh= "relq")
# headcount ratio, poverty threshold equal to .6 times the mean
svyfgt(~eqincome, dbd_eusilc, g=0, type_thresh= "relm")
# poverty gap index, poverty threshold equal to 0.6 times the mean
svyfgt(~eqincome, dbd_eusilc, g=1, type_thresh= "relm")

dbRemoveTable( conn , 'eusilc' )

dbDisconnect( conn , shutdown = TRUE )


Run the code above in your browser using DataLab