copula (version 1.1-3)

fitLambda: Non-parametric Estimators of the Matrix of Tail-Dependence Coefficients


Computing non-parametric estimators of the (matrix of) tail-dependence coefficients.


fitLambda(u, method = c("Schmid.Schmidt", "Schmidt.Stadtmueller", "t"),
          p = 1/sqrt(nrow(u)), lower.tail = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, ...)


The matrix of pairwise coefficients of tail dependence; for

method = "t" a list with components

Lambda, the matrix of pairwise estimated correlation coefficients P

and the matrix of pairwise estimated degrees of freedom Nu.



\(n\times d\)-matrix of (pseudo-)observations in \([0,1]^d\) for estimating the (matrix of) tail-dependence coefficients.


the method with which the tail-dependence coefficients are computed:

method = "Schmid.Schmidt":

nonparametric estimator of Schmid and Schmidt (2007) (see also Jaworksi et al. (2009, p. 231)) computed for all pairs (pairwise conditional Spearman's rho for u <= p).

method = "Schmidt.Stadtmueller":

nonparametric estimator of Schmidt and Stadtmueller (2006) computed for all pairs (pairwise empirical tail copula for u <= p).

method = "t":

fits pairwise \(t\) copulas and returns the implied tail-dependence coefficient.


(small) cut-off parameter in \([0,1]\) below (for tail = "lower") or above (for tail = "upper") which the estimation takes place.


logical indicating whether the lower (the default) or upper tail-dependence coefficient is computed; in case of the latter, the lower tail dependence coefficient of the flipped data 1-u is computed.


a logical indicating whether a progress bar is displayed.


additional arguments passed to the underlying functions (at the moment only to optimize() in case method = "t").


As seen in the examples, be careful using nonparametric estimators, they might not perform too well (depending on p and in general). After all, the notion of tail dependence is a limit, finite sample sizes may not be able to capture limits well.


Jaworski, P., Durante, F., Härdle, W. K., Rychlik, T. (2010). Copula Theory and Its Applications Springer, Lecture Notes in Statistics -- Proceedings.

Schmid, F., Schmidt, R. (2007). Multivariate conditional versions of Spearman's rho and related measures of tail dependence. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 98, 1123--1140. tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1016/j.jmva.2006.05.005")

Schmidt, R., Stadtmueller, U. (2006). Non-parametric Estimation of Tail Dependence. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 33(2), 307--335. tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1111/j.1467-9469.2005.00483.x")

See Also

lambda() computes the true (lower and upper) tail coefficients for a given copula.


Run this code
n <- 10000 # sample size
p <- 0.01 # cut-off

## Bivariate case
d <- 2
cop <- claytonCopula(2, dim = d)
U <- rCopula(n, copula = cop) # generate observations (unrealistic)
(lam.true <- lambda(cop)) # true tail-dependence coefficients lambda
(lam.C <- c(lower = fitLambda(U, p = p)[2,1],
            upper = fitLambda(U, p = p, lower.tail = FALSE)[2,1])) # estimate lambdas
## => pretty good
U. <- pobs(U) # pseudo-observations (realistic)
(lam.C. <- c(lower = fitLambda(U., p = p)[2,1],
             upper = fitLambda(U., p = p, lower.tail = FALSE)[2,1])) # estimate lambdas
## => The pseudo-observations do have an effect...

## Higher-dimensional case
d <- 5
cop <- claytonCopula(2, dim = d)
U <- rCopula(n, copula = cop) # generate observations (unrealistic)
(lam.true <- lambda(cop)) # true tail-dependence coefficients lambda
(Lam.C <- list(lower = fitLambda(U, p = p),
               upper = fitLambda(U, p = p, lower.tail = FALSE))) # estimate Lambdas
## => Not too good
U. <- pobs(U) # pseudo-observations (realistic)
(Lam.C. <- list(lower = fitLambda(U., p = p),
                upper = fitLambda(U., p = p, lower.tail = FALSE))) # estimate Lambdas
## => Performance not too great here in either case

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