coxme (version 2.2-1)

lmekin: Fit a linear mixed effects model


The lmekin function fits a linear mixed effects model, with random effects specified in the same structure as in the coxme function.


lmekin(formula, data, weights, subset, na.action, control,
varlist, vfixed, vinit, method = c("ML", "REML"),
sparse = c(1, 0), x = FALSE, y = TRUE,
random, fixed, variance, ...)


a two-sided formula with the response as the left hand side of a ~ operator and the fixed and random effects on the right.
an optional data frame containing the variables named in the formula.
subset, weights, na.action
further model specifications arguments as in lm; see there for details.
optional list of control options. See coxme.control for details.
the variance family to be used for each random term. If there are multiple terms it will be a list of variance functions. The default is coxmeFull. Alternatively it can be a list of matrices, in which case the coxmeMlis
optional named list or vector used to fix the value of one or more of the variance terms at a constant.
optional named list or vector giving suggested starting values for the variance.
fit using either maximum likelihood or restricted maximum likelihood
rule for deciding sparsity of a random effect. See the main documentation for discussion of the issue.
if TRUE the X matrix (fixed effects) is included in the output object
if TRUE the y variable is included in the output object
fixed, random, variance
In an earlier version of lmekin the fixed and random effects were separate arguments. These arguments are included for backwards compatability, but are depreciated. The variance argument is a depreciated alias for vfixed.
any other arguments are passed forward to coxme.control.


  • An object of class lmekin.


This routine was originally written as a check for the coxme routine; it uses the same code to process input arguments and form the random effects, comparison of its output with lme helped validate those operations. It is possible to specify some models in this framwork that can not be fit with lme, in particular models with familial genetic effects, i.e., a kinship matrix, and hence the name of the routine. Using user-specified variance functions an even wider range of models is possible.

For simple models the specification of the random effects follows the same form as the lmer function. For any model which can be fit by both lmekin and lmer, the latter routine would normally be prefered due to a much wider selection of post-fit tools for residuals, prediction, plotting, etc.

See Also

lmekin.object, coxme


Run this code
fit1 <- lme(effort ~ Type, data=ergoStool, random= ~1|Subject,
  fit2 <- lmekin(effort ~ Type + (1|Subject), data=ergoStool)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab