datarobot (version 2.4.0)

RequestTransferrableModel: Request generation of an transferrable model file for use in an on-premise DataRobot standalone prediction environment. This function can only be used if model export is enabled, and will only be useful if you have an on-premise environment in which to import it. This function does not download the exported file. Use DownloadTransferrableModel for that. Example: jobId<-RequestTransferrrableModel(projectObject, modelId) WaitForJobToComplete(projectObject, jobId) DownloadTransferrableModel(projectObject, modelId, file)


Request generation of an transferrable model file for use in an on-premise DataRobot standalone prediction environment. This function can only be used if model export is enabled, and will only be useful if you have an on-premise environment in which to import it. This function does not download the exported file. Use DownloadTransferrableModel for that. Example: jobId<-RequestTransferrrableModel(projectObject, modelId) WaitForJobToComplete(projectObject, jobId) DownloadTransferrableModel(projectObject, modelId, file)


RequestTransferrableModel(project, modelId)


Either (1) a character string giving the unique alphanumeric identifier for the project, or (2) a list containing the element projectId with this identifier.
Unique alphanumeric identifier for the model of interest.

