dbhydroR (version 0.2-8)

get_hydro: Retrieve hydrologic data from the DBHYDRO Environmental Database


Retrieve hydrologic data from the DBHYDRO Environmental Database


get_hydro(dbkey = NA, date_min = NA, date_max = NA, raw = FALSE, ...)



character string specifying a unique data series. See get_dbkey


character date must be in YYYY-MM-DD format


character date must be in YYYY-MM-DD format


logical default is FALSE, set to TRUE to return data in "long" format with all comments, qa information, and database codes included.


Options passed on to get_dbkey


get_hydro can be run in one of two ways.

  • The first, is to identify one or more dbkeys before-hand that correspond to unique data series and are passed to the dbkey argument. dbkeys can be found by:

  • The second way to run get_hydro is to specify additional arguments to ... which are passed to get_dbkey on-the-fly.

By default, get_hydro returns a cleaned output where metadata (station-name, variable, measurement units) is wholly contained in the column name. This is accomplished internally by the clean_hydro function. If additional metadata such as latitude and longitude are desired set the raw argument to TRUE.


Run this code
#One variable/station time series
get_hydro(dbkey = "15081", date_min = "2013-01-01", date_max = "2013-02-02")

#Multiple variable/station time series
get_hydro(dbkey = c("15081", "15069"),
date_min = "2013-01-01", date_max = "2013-02-02")

#Instantaneous hydro retrieval
get_hydro(dbkey = "IY639", date_min = "2015-11-01", date_max = "2015-11-04")

#Looking up unknown dbkeys on the fly
get_hydro(stationid = "JBTS", category = "WEATHER",
param = "WNDS", freq = "DA", date_min = "2013-01-01",
date_max = "2013-02-02")
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab