dbparser (version 1.2.0)

cett_poly_pfms_doc: Carriers/ Enzymes/ Targets/ Transporters Polypeptide PFAMS parsers


Extract descriptions of identified polypeptide PFAMS targets, enzymes, carriers, or transporters.


  save_table = FALSE,
  save_csv = FALSE,
  csv_path = ".",
  override_csv = FALSE,
  database_connection = NULL

enzymes_polypeptides_pfams( save_table = FALSE, save_csv = FALSE, csv_path = ".", override_csv = FALSE, database_connection = NULL )

targets_polypeptides_pfams( save_table = FALSE, save_csv = FALSE, csv_path = ".", override_csv = FALSE, database_connection = NULL )

transporters_polypeptides_pfams( save_table = FALSE, save_csv = FALSE, csv_path = ".", override_csv = FALSE, database_connection = NULL )


a tibble with 3 variables:


The sequence of the associated gene.



polypeptide id



boolean, save table in database if true.


boolean, save csv version of parsed tibble if true


location to save csv files into it, default is current location, save_csv must be true


override existing csv, if any, in case it is true in the new parse operation


DBI connection object that holds a connection to user defined database. If save_table is enabled without providing value for this function an error will be thrown.


read_drugbank_xml_db function must be called first before any parser.

If read_drugbank_xml_db is called before for any reason, so no need to call it again before calling this function.

See Also

Other cett: cett_actions_doc, cett_doc, cett_ex_identity_doc, cett_go_doc, cett_poly_doc, cett_poly_syn_doc


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
# the same parameters and usage will be applied for any parser
# return only the parsed tibble

# will throw an error, as database_connection is NULL
run_all_parsers(save_table = TRUE)

# save in database in SQLite in memory database and return parsed tibble
sqlite_con <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite())
run_all_parsers(save_table = TRUE, database_connection = sqlite_con)

# save parsed tibble as csv if it does not exist in current location,
# and return parsed tibble.
# if the csv exist before read it and return its data.
run_all_parsers(save_csv = TRUE)

# save in database, save parsed tibble as csv,
# if it does not exist in current location and return parsed tibble.
# if the csv exist before read it and return its data.
run_all_parsers(save_table = TRUE, save_csv = TRUE,
database_connection = sqlite_con)

# save parsed tibble as csv if it does not exist in given location,
# and return parsed tibble.
# if the csv exist before read it and return its data.
run_all_parsers(save_csv = TRUE, csv_path = TRUE)

# save parsed tibble as csv if it does not exist in current location and
# return parsed tibble.
# if the csv exist override it and return it.
run_all_parsers(save_csv = TRUE, csv_path = TRUE, override = TRUE)

Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace