dde (version 1.0.0)

difeq_replicate: Solve difference equations repeatedly


Solve a replicate set of difference (or recurrence) equation by iterating it a number of times. This is a wrapper around difeq that does not (yet) do anything clever to avoid many allocations.


difeq_replicate(n, y, ..., as_array = TRUE)



Number of replicates. It is an error to request zero replicates.


The initial state of the system. Must be either a numeric vector or a list of numeric vectors. If the latter, it must have length n.


Additional arguments passed through to difeq.


Logical, indicating if the output should be converted into an array. If TRUE then res[, , i] will contain the i'th replicate, if FALSE then res[[i]] does instead. If both as_array and restartable are TRUE, then the attributes ptr and restart_data will be present as a list of restarting information for difeq_continue, though using these is not yet supported.


It is not currently possible to replicate over a set of parameters at once yet; the same parameter set will be used for all replications.

The details of how replication is done here are all considered implementation details and are up for change in the future - in particular if the models are run in turn or simultaneously (and the effect that has on the random number stream). Logic around naming output may change in future too; note that varying names in the y here will have some unexpected behaviours.


Run this code
# Here is a really simple equation that does a random walk with
# steps that are normally distributed:
rhs <- function(i, y, p) y + runif(1)
y0 <- 1
t <- 0:10
p <- 5
dde::difeq_replicate(10, y0, t, rhs, p)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab