ddpcr (version 1.15.2)

check_step: Ensure the plate's status is at the right step


Before beginning a step, you can check to make sure the plate is currently at most one step behind the current step. If the plate is more than one step behind, an error will be thrown, so that the user will know they need to run the previous steps.


check_step(plate, step)



Run this code
if (FALSE) {
dir <- sample_data_dir()
plate <- new_plate(dir)
status(plate) # current step
check_step(plate, 2) # are we ready to start step 2?
check_step(plate, 3) # are we ready to start step 3?
plate <- next_step(plate)
check_step(plate, 3) # now are we ready to start step 3?

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab