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descriptr: Generate descriptive statistics and explore distributions

Author: Aravind Hebbali License: MIT


The goal of descriptr is to ease the process of generating descriptive statistics and exploring statistical distributions.


# install descriptr from CRAN

# the development version from github
# install.packages("devtools")


Descriptive Statistics

  • Summary Statistics
  • Two Way Tables
  • One Way Table
  • One Way Table (Continuous Data)
  • Group Wise Summary
  • Multiple Column Descriptive Statistics
  • Multiple One Way Tables
  • Multiple Two Way Tables

Explore Distributions

  • Normal
  • Binomial
  • Chi Square
  • F
  • t

Shiny App

Use ds_launch_shiny_app() to explore the package using a shiny app.



Summary Statistics
#>                         Univariate Analysis                          
#>  N                       32.00      Variance                36.32 
#>  Missing                  0.00      Std Deviation            6.03 
#>  Mean                    20.09      Range                   23.50 
#>  Median                  19.20      Interquartile Range      7.38 
#>  Mode                    10.40      Uncorrected SS       14042.31 
#>  Trimmed Mean            19.95      Corrected SS          1126.05 
#>  Skewness                 0.67      Coeff Variation         30.00 
#>  Kurtosis                -0.02      Std Error Mean           1.07 
#>                               Quantiles                               
#>               Quantile                            Value                
#>              Max                                  33.90                
#>              99%                                  33.44                
#>              95%                                  30.09                
#>              90%                                  31.30                
#>              Q3                                   22.80                
#>              Median                               19.20                
#>              Q1                                   15.43                
#>              10%                                  14.34                
#>              5%                                   12.00                
#>              1%                                   10.40                
#>              Min                                  10.40                
#>                             Extreme Values                            
#>                 Low                                High                
#>   Obs                        Value       Obs                        Value 
#>   15                         10.4        20                         33.9  
#>   16                         10.4        18                         32.4  
#>   24                         13.3        19                         30.4  
#>    7                         14.3        28                         30.4  
#>   17                         14.7        26                         27.3
Two Way Table
ds_cross_table(mtcars$cyl, mtcars$gear)
#>     Cell Contents
#>  |---------------|
#>  |     Frequency |
#>  |       Percent |
#>  |       Row Pct |
#>  |       Col Pct |
#>  |---------------|
#>  Total Observations:  32 
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> |              |                           gear                            |
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> |          cyl |            3 |            4 |            5 |    Row Total |
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> |            4 |            1 |            8 |            2 |           11 |
#> |              |        0.031 |         0.25 |        0.062 |              |
#> |              |         0.09 |         0.73 |         0.18 |         0.34 |
#> |              |         0.07 |         0.67 |          0.4 |              |
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> |            6 |            2 |            4 |            1 |            7 |
#> |              |        0.062 |        0.125 |        0.031 |              |
#> |              |         0.29 |         0.57 |         0.14 |         0.22 |
#> |              |         0.13 |         0.33 |          0.2 |              |
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> |            8 |           12 |            0 |            2 |           14 |
#> |              |        0.375 |            0 |        0.062 |              |
#> |              |         0.86 |            0 |         0.14 |         0.44 |
#> |              |          0.8 |            0 |          0.4 |              |
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> | Column Total |           15 |           12 |            5 |           32 |
#> |              |        0.468 |        0.375 |        0.155 |              |
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
One Way Table
#>                                Variable: cyl                                 
#> |--------------------------------------------------------------------------|
#> |                                Cumulative                    Cumulative  |
#> |    Levels    |  Frequency   |   Frequency  |   Percent    |    Percent   |
#> |--------------------------------------------------------------------------|
#> |       4      |      11      |      11      |     34.38    |     34.38    |
#> |--------------------------------------------------------------------------|
#> |       6      |       7      |      18      |     21.88    |     56.25    |
#> |--------------------------------------------------------------------------|
#> |       8      |      14      |      32      |     43.75    |      100     |
#> |--------------------------------------------------------------------------|
One Way Table (Continuous Data)
#>                               Variable: mpg                               
#> |-----------------------------------------------------------------------|
#> |    Bins     | Frequency | Cum Frequency |   Percent    | Cum Percent  |
#> |-----------------------------------------------------------------------|
#> | 10.4 - 15.1 |     6     |       6       |    18.75     |    18.75     |
#> |-----------------------------------------------------------------------|
#> | 15.1 - 19.8 |    12     |      18       |     37.5     |    56.25     |
#> |-----------------------------------------------------------------------|
#> | 19.8 - 24.5 |     8     |      26       |      25      |    81.25     |
#> |-----------------------------------------------------------------------|
#> | 24.5 - 29.2 |     2     |      28       |     6.25     |     87.5     |
#> |-----------------------------------------------------------------------|
#> | 29.2 - 33.9 |     4     |      32       |     12.5     |     100      |
#> |-----------------------------------------------------------------------|
Group Summary
ds_group_summary(mtcars$cyl, mtcars$mpg)
#>                                        mpg by cyl                                         
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> |     Statistic/Levels|                    4|                    6|                    8|
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> |                  Obs|                   11|                    7|                   14|
#> |              Minimum|                 21.4|                 17.8|                 10.4|
#> |              Maximum|                 33.9|                 21.4|                 19.2|
#> |                 Mean|                26.66|                19.74|                 15.1|
#> |               Median|                   26|                 19.7|                 15.2|
#> |                 Mode|                 22.8|                   21|                 10.4|
#> |       Std. Deviation|                 4.51|                 1.45|                 2.56|
#> |             Variance|                20.34|                 2.11|                 6.55|
#> |             Skewness|                 0.35|                -0.26|                -0.46|
#> |             Kurtosis|                -1.43|                -1.83|                 0.33|
#> |       Uncorrected SS|              8023.83|              2741.14|              3277.34|
#> |         Corrected SS|               203.39|                12.68|                 85.2|
#> |      Coeff Variation|                16.91|                 7.36|                16.95|
#> |      Std. Error Mean|                 1.36|                 0.55|                 0.68|
#> |                Range|                 12.5|                  3.6|                  8.8|
#> |  Interquartile Range|                  7.6|                 2.35|                 1.85|
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Multiple Variable Statistics
ds_multi_stats(mtcars, mpg, disp, hp)
#> # A tibble: 3 x 16
#>    vars   min   max      mean    t_mean median  mode range   variance
#>   <chr> <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>      <dbl>
#> 1  disp  71.1 472.0 230.72188 228.00000  196.3 275.8 400.9 15360.7998
#> 2    hp  52.0 335.0 146.68750 143.56667  123.0 110.0 283.0  4700.8669
#> 3   mpg  10.4  33.9  20.09062  19.95333   19.2  10.4  23.5    36.3241
#> # ... with 7 more variables: stdev <dbl>, skew <dbl>, kurtosis <dbl>,
#> #   coeff_var <dbl>, q1 <dbl>, q3 <dbl>, iqrange <dbl>

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Last Published

December 11th, 2017

Functions in descriptr (0.3.0)