devtools (version 1.0)

run_examples: Run all examples in a package.


One of the most frustrating parts of `R CMD check` is getting all of your examples to pass - whenever one fails you need to fix the problem and then restart the whole process. This function makes it a little easier by making it possible to run all examples from an R function.


run_examples(pkg = ".", start = NULL, show = TRUE,
    test = FALSE, run = TRUE)


package description, can be path or package name. See as.package for more information
Where to start running the examples: this can either be the name of Rd file to start with (with or without extensions), or a topic name. If omitted, will start with the (lexicographically) first file. This is useful if you have a lot
if TRUE, code in \dontshow{} will be commented out
if TRUE, code in \donttest{} will be commented out. If FALSE, code in \testonly{} will be commented out.
if TRUE, code in \dontrun{} will be commented out.

See Also

Other example functions: dev_example