devtools (version 1.11.1)

infrastructure: Add useful infrastructure to a package.


Add useful infrastructure to a package.


use_testthat(pkg = ".")

use_test(name, pkg = ".")

use_rstudio(pkg = ".")

use_vignette(name, pkg = ".")

use_rcpp(pkg = ".")

use_travis(pkg = ".")

use_coverage(pkg = ".", type = c("codecov", "coveralls"))

use_appveyor(pkg = ".")

use_package_doc(pkg = ".")

use_revdep(pkg = ".")

use_cran_comments(pkg = ".")

use_code_of_conduct(pkg = ".")

use_cran_badge(pkg = ".")

use_mit_license(pkg = ".", copyright_holder = getOption("", ""))


package description, can be path or package name. See as.package for more information.
File name to use for new vignette. Should consist only of numbers, letters, _ and -. I recommend using lower case.
CI tool to use. Currently supports codecov and coverall.
The copyright holder for this package. Defaults to getOption("").


Add testing infrastructure to a package that does not already have it. This will create tests/testthat.R, tests/testthat/ and add testthat to the suggested packages. This is called automatically from test if needed.


Add a test file, also add testing infrastructure if necessary. This will create tests/testthat/test-.R with a user-specified name for the test. Will fail if the file exists.


Adds needed packages to DESCRIPTION, and creates draft vignette in vignettes/. It adds inst/doc to .gitignore so you don't accidentally check in the built vignettes.


Creates src/ and adds needed packages to DESCRIPTION.


Add basic travis template to a package. Also adds .travis.yml to .Rbuildignore so it isn't included in the built package.


Add test code coverage to basic travis template to a package.


Add basic AppVeyor template to a package. Also adds appveyor.yml to .Rbuildignore so it isn't included in the built package.


Adds a roxygen template for package documentation


Add revdep directory and basic check template.


Add template.


Add a code of conduct to from


Add a badge to show CRAN status and version number on the README


Adds the necessary infrastructure to declare your package as distributed under the MIT license.

See Also

Other infrastructure: use_build_ignore, use_data_raw, use_data, use_news_md, use_package, use_readme_rmd