devtools (version 1.7.0)

infrastructure: Add useful infrastructure to a package.


Add useful infrastructure to a package.


use_testthat(pkg = ".")

use_rstudio(pkg = ".")

use_vignette(name, pkg = ".")

use_rcpp(pkg = ".")

use_travis(pkg = ".")

use_appveyor(pkg = ".")

use_package_doc(pkg = ".")

use_revdep(pkg = ".")

use_cran_comments(pkg = ".")


package description, can be path or package name. See as.package for more information.
File name to use for new vignette. Should consist only of numbers, letters, _ and -. I recommend using lower case.


Add testing infrastructure to a package that does not already have it. This will create tests/testthat.R, tests/testthat/ and add testthat to the suggested packages. This is called automatically from test if needed.


Does not modify .Rbuildignore as RStudio will do that when opened for the first time.


Adds needed packages to DESCRIPTION, and creates draft vignette in vignettes/. It adds inst/doc to .gitignore so you don't accidentally check in the built vignettes.


Creates src/ and adds needed packages to DESCRIPTION.


Add basic travis template to a package. Also adds .travis.yml to .Rbuildignore so it isn't included in the built package.


Add basic AppVeyor template to a package. Also adds appveyor.yml to .Rbuildignore so it isn't included in the built package.


Adds a roxygen template for package documentation


Add revdep directory and basic check template.


Add template.

See Also

Other infrastructure: add_build_ignore, use_build_ignore; use_data_raw; use_data; use_git_hook; use_package; use_readme_rmd