document (version 4.0.0)

man: Display a Help Page From a File's Documentation


Display a help-like page from an existing R documentation (*.Rd) file, a topic from a temporary package with options("document_package_directory") set or a topic from an R code file containing roxygen2 documentation.


man(x, topic = NA, force_Rd = FALSE)


Invisibly the status of display_Rd.



One of the following:

  • A path to an R documentation (*.Rd) file.

  • A path to a code file containing comments for roxygen2.

  • A help topic if options("document_package_directory") is set (by document).


A help topic if x is a path to a code file containing comments for roxygen2.


if x is a file's path, then is_Rd_file is used to decide whether the file is an R documentation file and call document otherwise. Set to TRUE to disable this check and force the file to be assumed to be an R documentation file. is_Rd_file may produce false negatives.


Run this code
# \donttest{
document::document(file_name = system.file("files", "minimal.R",
                   package = "document"), check_package = FALSE)
# this equivalent to
path <- system.file("files", "minimal.R", package = "document")
document::man(x = path, topic = "foo")
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab