dplyr (version 0.4.2)

bind: Efficiently bind multiple data frames by row and column.


This is an efficient implementation of the common pattern of do.call(rbind, dfs) or do.call(cbind, dfs) for binding many data frames into one. combine() acts like c() or unlist() but uses consistent dplyr coercion rules.


bind_rows(x, ...)

bind_cols(x, ...)

combine(x, ...)


Data frames to combine.

You can either supply one data frame per argument, or a list of data frames in the first argument.

When column-binding, rows are matched by position, not value so all data frames must have the same number of rows. To match by value, not position, see left_join etc. When row-binding, columns are matched by name, and any values that don't match will be filled with NA.


bind_rows and bind_cols always return a tbl_df

Deprecated functions

rbind_list and rbind_all have been deprecated. Instead use bind_rows.


Run this code
one <- mtcars[1:4, ]
two <- mtcars[11:14, ]

# You can either supply data frames as arguments
bind_rows(one, two)
# Or a single argument containing a list of data frames
bind_rows(list(one, two))
bind_rows(split(mtcars, mtcars$cyl))

# Columns don't need to match when row-binding
bind_rows(data.frame(x = 1:3), data.frame(y = 1:4))
## Not run: ------------------------------------
# # Rows do need to match when column-binding
# bind_cols(data.frame(x = 1), data.frame(y = 1:2))
## ---------------------------------------------

bind_cols(one, two)
bind_cols(list(one, two))

# combine applies the same coercion rules
f1 <- factor("a")
f2 <- factor("b")
c(f1, f2)
unlist(list(f1, f2))

combine(f1, f2)
combine(list(f1, f2))

Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace