dqrng (version 0.3.2)

dqrng-package: dqrng: Fast Pseudo Random Number Generators


Several fast random number generators are provided as C++ header only libraries: The PCG family by O'Neill (2014 https://www.cs.hmc.edu/tr/hmc-cs-2014-0905.pdf) as well as Xoroshiro128+ and Xoshiro256+ by Blackman and Vigna (2018 arXiv:1805.01407). In addition fast functions for generating random numbers according to a uniform, normal and exponential distribution are included. The latter two use the Ziggurat algorithm originally proposed by Marsaglia and Tsang (2000, tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.18637/jss.v005.i08")). The fast sampling methods support unweighted sampling both with and without replacement. These functions are exported to R and as a C++ interface and are enabled for use with the default 64 bit generator from the PCG family, Xoroshiro128+ and Xoshiro256+ as well as the 64 bit version of the 20 rounds Threefry engine (Salmon et al., 2011, tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1145/2063384.2063405")) as provided by the package 'sitmo'.



Maintainer: Ralf Stubner ralf.stubner@gmail.com

Other contributors:

See Also