drake (version 7.3.0)

diagnose: Get diagnostic metadata on a target.


Diagnostics include errors, warnings, messages, runtimes, and other context/metadata from when a target was built or an import was processed. If your target's last build succeeded, then diagnose(your_target) has the most current information from that build. But if your target failed, then only diagnose(your_target)$error, diagnose(your_target)$warnings, and diagnose(your_target)$messages correspond to the failure, and all the other metadata correspond to the last build that completed without an error.


diagnose(target = NULL, character_only = FALSE, path = getwd(),
  search = TRUE, cache = drake::get_cache(path = path, search = search,
  verbose = verbose), verbose = 1L)



Name of the target of the error to get. Can be a symbol if character_only is FALSE, must be a character if character_only is TRUE.


Logical, whether target should be treated as a character or a symbol. Just like character.only in library().


Root directory of the drake project, or if search is TRUE, either the project root or a subdirectory of the project. Ignored if a cache is supplied.


Logical. If TRUE, search parent directories to find the nearest drake cache. Otherwise, look in the current working directory only. Ignored if a cache is supplied.


drake cache. See new_cache(). If supplied, path and search are ignored.


Integer, control printing to the console/terminal.

  • 0: print nothing.

  • 1: print targets, retries, and failures.

  • 2: also show a spinner when preprocessing tasks are underway.


Either a character vector of target names or an object of class "error".

See Also

failed(), progress(), readd(), drake_plan(), make()


Run this code
isolate_example("Quarantine side effects.", {
diagnose() # List all the targets with recorded error logs.
# Define a function doomed to failure.
f <- function() {
  stop("unusual error")
# Create a workflow plan doomed to failure.
bad_plan <- drake_plan(my_target = f())
# Running the project should generate an error
# when trying to build 'my_target'.
try(make(bad_plan), silent = FALSE)
failed() # List the failed targets from the last make() (my_target).
# List targets that failed at one point or another
# over the course of the project (my_target).
# drake keeps all the error logs.
# Get the error log, an object of class "error".
error <- diagnose(my_target)$error # See also warnings and messages.
str(error) # See what's inside the error log.
error$calls # View the traceback. (See the traceback() function).
      x = 1,
      y = warning(123),
      z = warning(456)
    verbose = FALSE
targets <- built(verbose = FALSE)
out <- lapply(targets, diagnose, character_only = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
names(out) <- targets
# }

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