drake (version 7.3.0)

outdated: List the targets that are out of date.


Outdated targets will be rebuilt in the next make().


outdated(config, make_imports = TRUE, do_prework = TRUE)



Optional internal runtime parameter list produced with drake_config(). You must use a fresh config argument with an up-to-date dependency graph that was never modified by hand. If needed, rerun drake_config() early and often. See the details in the help file for drake_config().


Logical, whether to make the imports first. Set to FALSE to save some time and risk obsolete output.


Whether to do the prework normally supplied to make().


Character vector of the names of outdated targets.


outdated() is sensitive to the alternative triggers described at https://ropenscilabs.github.io/drake-manual/debug.html. For example, even if outdated(...) shows everything up to date, outdated(..., trigger = trigger(condition = TRUE)) will show all targets out of date. You must use a fresh config argument with an up-to-date dependency graph that was never modified by hand. If needed, rerun drake_config() early and often. See the details in the help file for drake_config().

See Also

drake_config(), missed(), drake_plan(), make()


Run this code
isolate_example("Quarantine side effects.", {
if (suppressWarnings(require("knitr"))) {
load_mtcars_example() # Get the code with drake_example("mtcars").
# Recopute the config list early and often to have the
# most current information. Do not modify the config list by hand.
config <- drake_config(my_plan)
outdated(config = config) # Which targets are out of date?
make(my_plan) # Run the projects, build the targets.
config <- drake_config(my_plan)
# Now, everything should be up to date (no targets listed).
outdated(config = config)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace