dynamicGraph (version

validVertexClasses: Valid vertex classes


Return matrix with labels of valid vertex classes and the valid vertex classes





of valid vertex classes and the valid vertex classes (used to create the vertices).


The argument vertexClasses to the functions dynamicGraphMain and DynamicGraph, and to dg.Vertex-class and returnVertexList is by default the returned value of this function. If new vertex classes are created then vertexClasses should be set to a value with this returned value extended appropriate.

See Also



Run this code

# Test with new vertex class (demo(Circle.newVertex)):

setClass("NewVertex", contains = c("dg.Node", "dg.Vertex"),
         representation(my.text   = "character",
                        my.number = "numeric"), 
         prototype(my.text    = "",
                   my.number  = 2))

myVertexClasses <- rbind(validVertexClasses(), 
                         NewVertex = c("NewVertex", "NewVertex"))

setMethod("draw", "NewVertex",
          function(object, canvas, position,
                   x = position[1], y = position[2], stratum = 0,
                   w = 2, color = "green", background = "white")
            s <- w * sqrt(4 / pi) / 2
            p1 <- tkcreate(canvas, "oval",
                           x - s - s, y - s,
                           x + s - s, y + s,
                           fill = color(object), activefill = "IndianRed")
            p2 <- tkcreate(canvas, "oval",
                           x - s + s, y - s,
                           x + s + s, y + s, 
                           fill = color(object), activefill = "IndianRed")
            p3 <- tkcreate(canvas, "oval",
                           x - s, y - s - s,
                           x + s, y + s - s, 
                           fill = color(object), activefill = "IndianRed")
            p4 <- tkcreate(canvas, "poly", 
                           x - 1.5 * s, y + 3 * s,
                           x + 1.5 * s, y + 3 * s, 
                           x, y, 
                           fill = color(object), activefill = "SteelBlue")
            return(list(dynamic = list(p1, p2, p3, p4), fixed = NULL)) })

setMethod("addToPopups", "NewVertex",
          function(object, type, nodePopupMenu, i,
			   updateArguments, Args, ...)
               tkadd(nodePopupMenu, "command",
                     label = paste(" --- This is a my new vertex!"),
                     command = function() { print(name(object))})

if (!isGeneric("my.text")) {
  if (is.function("my.text"))
    fun <- my.text
    fun <- function(object) standardGeneric("my.text")
  setGeneric("my.text", fun)
           function(x, value) standardGeneric("my.text<-"))

setMethod("my.text", "NewVertex",
          function(object) object@my.text)
setReplaceMethod("my.text", "NewVertex",
                 function(x, value) {x@my.text <- value; x} )

if (!isGeneric("my.number")) {
  if (is.function("my.number"))
    fun <- my.number
    fun <- function(object) standardGeneric("my.number")
  setGeneric("my.number", fun)
           function(x, value) standardGeneric("my.number<-"))

setMethod("my.number", "NewVertex",
          function(object) object@my.number)
setReplaceMethod("my.number", "NewVertex",
                 function(x, value) {x@my.number <- value; x} )

V.Types <- c(rep("NewVertex", 3), "Discrete", "Ordinal", "Continuous")
V.Names <- c("Sex", "Age", "Eye", "FEV", "Hair", "Shosize")
V.Labels <- paste(V.Names, 1:6, sep ="/")

From <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
To   <- c(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1)

control <- dg.control(updateEdgeLabels = FALSE,
                      edgeColor = "green", vertexColor = "blue",
                      vertexClasses = myVertexClasses)

simpleGraph.Z.nV <- new("dg.simple.graph", vertex.names = V.Names, 
                        types = V.Types, labels = V.Labels,
                        from = From, to = To, texts = c("Gryf", "gaf"))

graph.Z.nV <- simpleGraphToGraph(simpleGraph.Z.nV, control = control)

Object <- NULL

Z.nV <- dg(graph.Z.nV, modelObject = Object, control = control, title = "Z")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab