emulator (version 1.2-24)

betahat.fun: Calculates MLE coefficients of linear fit


Determines the maximum likelihood regression coeffients for the specified regression basis and correlation matrix A.

The “.A” form needs only A (and not Ainv), thus removing the need to calculate a matrix inverse. Note that this form is slower than the other if Ainv is known in advance, as solve(.,.) is slow.

If Ainv is not known in advance, the two forms seem to perform similarly in the cases considered here and in the goldstein package.


betahat.fun(xold, Ainv, d, give.variance=FALSE, func)
betahat.fun.A(xold, A, d, give.variance=FALSE, func)



Data frame, each line being the parameters of one run


Correlation matrix, typically provided by corr.matrix()


Inverse of the correlation matrix A


Vector of results at the points specified in xold


Boolean, with TRUE meaning to return information on the variance of \(\hat{\beta}\) and default FALSE meaning to return just the estimator


Function to generate regression basis; defaults to regressor.basis


Robin K. S. Hankin


  • J. Oakley and A. O'Hagan, 2002. Bayesian Inference for the Uncertainty Distribution of Computer Model Outputs, Biometrika 89(4), pp769-784

  • R. K. S. Hankin 2005. Introducing BACCO, an R bundle for Bayesian analysis of computer code output, Journal of Statistical Software, 14(16)


Run this code
val <- toy
H <- regressor.multi(val)
d <- apply(H,1,function(x){sum((0:6)*x)})

fish <- rep(2,6)
A <- corr.matrix(val,scales=fish)
Ainv <- solve(A)

# now add suitably correlated Gaussian noise:
d <-  as.vector(rmvnorm(n=1,mean=d, 0.1*A))

betahat.fun(val , Ainv , d)           # should be close to c(0,1:6)

# Now look at the variances:
betahat.fun(val,Ainv,give.variance=TRUE, d)

     # now find the value of the prior expectation (ie the regression
     # plane) at an unknown point:
x.unknown <- rep(0.5 , 6)
regressor.basis(x.unknown) %*% betahat.fun(val, Ainv, d)

     # compare the prior with the posterior
interpolant(x.unknown, d, val, Ainv,scales=fish)
     # Heh, it's the same!  (of course it is, there is no error here!)

     # OK, put some error on the old observations:
d.noisy <- as.vector(rmvnorm(n=1,mean=d,0.1*A))

     # now compute the regression point:
regressor.basis(x.unknown) %*% betahat.fun(val, Ainv, d.noisy)

     # and compare with the output of interpolant():
interpolant(x.unknown, d.noisy, val, Ainv, scales=fish)
     # there is a difference!

     # now try a basis function that has superfluous degrees of freedom.
     # we need a bigger dataset.  Try 100:
val <- latin.hypercube(100,6)
colnames(val) <- letters[1:6]
d <- apply(val,1,function(x){sum((1:6)*x)})
A <- corr.matrix(val,scales=rep(1,6))
Ainv <- solve(A)

betahat.fun(val, Ainv, d, func=function(x){c(1,x,x^2)})
     # should be c(0:6 ,rep(0,6).  The zeroes should be zero exactly
     # because the original function didn't include any squares.

## And finally a sanity check:
f <- function(x){c(1,x,x^2)}
jj1 <- betahat.fun(val, Ainv, d, func=f)
jj2 <- betahat.fun.A(val, A, d, func=f)

abs(jj1-jj2)  # should be small

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