exuber (version 0.3.0)

exuber: exuber: Econometric Analysis of Explosive Time Series


Testing for and dating periods of explosive dynamics (exuberance) in time series using the univariate and panel recursive unit root tests proposed by Phillips et al. (2015) <doi:10.1111/iere.12132> and Pavlidis et al. (2016) <doi:10.1007/s11146-015-9531-2>. The recursive least-squares algorithm utilizes the matrix inversion lemma to avoid matrix inversion which results in significant speed improvements. Simulation of a variety of periodically-collapsing bubble processes.


Package options


  • Should lengthy operations such as mc_cv() show a progress bar? Default: TRUE


  • Should lengthy operations use parallel computation? Default: TRUE


  • How many cores to use for parallel computation. Default: system cores - 1


  • When chosen automatically feeds into all functions with random-number generation Default: NA

See Also

Useful links: