fda.usc (version 2.1.0)

rp.flm.statistic: Statistics for testing the functional linear model using random projections


Computes the Cramer-von Mises (CvM) and Kolmogorv-Smirnov (kS) statistics on the projected process $$T_{n,h}(u)=\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n (Y_i-\langle X_i,\hat \beta\rangle)1_{\{\langle X_i, h\rangle\leq u\}},$$ designed to test the goodness-of-fit of a functional linear model with scalar response. NA's are not allowed neither in the functional covariate nor in the scalar response.


rp.flm.statistic(proj.X, residuals, proj.X.ord = NULL, F.code = TRUE)


A list containing:

  • list("statistic") a matrix of size c(n.proj, 2) with the the CvM (first column) and KS (second) statistics, for the n.proj different projections.

  • list("proj.X.ord")the computed row permutations of proj.X, useful for recycling in subsequent calls to rp.flm.statistic with the same projections but different residuals.



matrix of size c(n, n.proj) containing, for each column, the projections of the functional data \(X_1,\ldots,X_n\) into a random direction \(h\). Not required if proj.X.ord is provided.


the residuals of the fitted funtional linear model, \(Y_i-\langle X_i,\hat \beta\rangle\). Either a vector of length n (same residuals for all projections) or a matrix of size c(n.proj, n) (each projection has an associated set residuals).


matrix containing the row permutations of proj.X which rearranges them increasingly, for each column. So, for example proj.X[proj.X.ord[, 1], 1] equals sort(proj.X[, 1]). If not provided, it is computed internally.


whether to use faster FORTRAN code or R code.


Eduardo Garcia-Portugues (edgarcia@est-econ.uc3m.es) and Manuel Febrero-Bande (manuel.febrero@usc.es).


Cuesta-Albertos, J.A., Garcia-Portugues, E., Febrero-Bande, M. and Gonzalez-Manteiga, W. (2017). Goodness-of-fit tests for the functional linear model based on randomly projected empirical processes. arXiv:1701.08363. https://arxiv.org/abs/1701.08363


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
# Simulated example
t <- seq(0, 1, l = 101)
n <- 100
X <- r.ou(n = n, t = t)
beta0 <- fdata(mdata = cos(2 * pi * t) - (t - 0.5)^2, argvals = t,
               rangeval = c(0,1))
Y <- inprod.fdata(X, beta0) + rnorm(n, sd = 0.1)

# Linear model
mod <- fregre.pc(fdataobj = X, y = Y, l = 1:3)

# Projections
proj.X1 <- inprod.fdata(X, r.ou(n = 1, t = t))
proj.X2 <- inprod.fdata(X, r.ou(n = 1, t = t))
proj.X12 <- cbind(proj.X1, proj.X2)

# Statistics
t1 <- rp.flm.statistic(proj.X = proj.X1, residuals = mod$residuals)
t2 <- rp.flm.statistic(proj.X = proj.X2, residuals = mod$residuals)
t12 <- rp.flm.statistic(proj.X = proj.X12, residuals = mod$residuals)

# Recycling proj.X.ord
rp.flm.statistic(proj.X.ord = t1$proj.X.ord, residuals = mod$residuals)$statistic

# Sort in the columns
cbind(proj.X12[t12$proj.X.ord[, 1], 1], proj.X12[t12$proj.X.ord[, 2], 2]) -
apply(proj.X12, 2, sort)

# FORTRAN and R code
rp.flm.statistic(proj.X = proj.X1, residuals = mod$residuals)$statistic -
rp.flm.statistic(proj.X = proj.X1, residuals = mod$residuals, 
                 F.code = FALSE)$statistic

# Matrix and vector residuals
rp.flm.statistic(proj.X = proj.X12, residuals = mod$residuals)$statistic
rp.flm.statistic(proj.X = proj.X12, 
                 residuals = rbind(mod$residuals, mod$residuals * 2))$statistic

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