fda (version 2.4.7)

register.fd0: Correct for initial position error between functional data objects.


Certain physical measurements differ only in their initial position. Correct for this by estimating x0 to minimize the following:

integral( (yfd(x-x0)-y0fd(x))^2 from max(x1, x1+x0) to min(x2, x2+x0)) / (x2-x1-abs(x0))


register.fd0(y0fd, yfd=NULL, ...)



a functional data object defining the target for registration.

If yfd is NULL and y0fd is a multivariate data object, then y0fd is assigned to yfd and y0fd is replaced by its mean.


a multivariate functional data object defining the functions to be registered to target y0fd. If it is NULL and y0fd is a multivariate functional data object, yfd takes the value of y0fd.

optional arguments passed to other methods of plot


a list of class register.fd0 with the following components:


a functional data object containing the input functional data objects shifted by the offset = x0, restricted to their common range, c(rangeval[1]+max(0, offset), rangeval[2]+min(0, offset)).


the difference between regfd (yfd registered) and y0fd.

This difference cannot currently be computed with the naive "-.fd", because of a missmatch between regfd$basis$rangeval and y0fd$basis$rangeval. This is handled by computing minus.fd(regfd, y0fd, regfd$basis$rangeval).


the vector x0 containing the offset for each function in yfd.


Mikkelsen (2003) noted that depth positioning errors in measuring subsurface movement of soils can make it appear that soils are moving when they are not. register.fd0 differs from register.fd in two ways: register.fd estimates a nonlinear transformation starting and ending at the same place. By contrast, register.fd0 shifts the starting point, using a "time warping" function that is linear with unit slope. This means that the length of the interval of validity is shrunk by abs(x0).

This function is designed to find the most obvious local minimum of the normalized integrated squared differences between y0df(x) and yfd(x+x0), as defined above. This objective function may have multiple local minima. register.fd0 uses optimize to find a global minimum over x0 in c(-1, 1)*diff(y0fd\$basis\$rangeval).

1. Check y0fd and yfd.

2. Define dy2 = integrand function and ss.dy2 = objective function.

3. optimize(ss.dy2, ...) for each curve in yfd.

4. Compute regfd = registered yfd as follows:

4.1. Let x00 = min(0, x0) <= 0 and x01 = max(0, x0) >= 0. Then regfd\$rangeval = (rangeval[1] + x01, rangeval[2] + x00)

4.2. For a B-spline basis, construct a new basis retaining all the knots interior to regfd\$rangeval.

4.3. Fit each curve adjusted to this new basis to obtain regfd.

5. Compute dregfd = minus.fd(regfd, y0fd, regfd\$basis).

See Also

smooth.monotone, smooth.morph


Run this code
# Specify smoothing weight
lambda.gr2.3 <- .03

# Specify what to smooth, namely the rate of change of curvature
Lfdobj.growth    <- 2

# Establish a B-spline basis
nage <- length(growth$age)
norder.growth <- 6
nbasis.growth <- nage + norder.growth - 2
rng.growth <- range(growth$age)
# 1 18
wbasis.growth <- create.bspline.basis(rangeval=rng.growth,
                   nbasis=nbasis.growth, norder=norder.growth,

# Smooth consistent with the analysis of these data
# in afda-ch06.R, and register to individual smooths:
cvec0.growth <- matrix(0,nbasis.growth,1)
Wfd0.growth  <- fd(cvec0.growth, wbasis.growth)
growfdPar2.3 <- fdPar(Wfd0.growth, Lfdobj.growth, lambda.gr2.3)
# Create a functional data object for all the boys
hgtmfd.all <- with(growth, smooth.basis(age, hgtm, growfdPar2.3))

nBoys <- 2
# nBoys <- dim(growth[["hgtm"]])[2]
# register.fd takes time, so use only 2 curves as an illustration
# to minimize compute time in this example;

#Alternative to subsetting later is to subset now:
#hgtmfd.all<-with(growth,smooth.basis(age, hgtm[,1:nBoys],growfdPar2.3))

# Register the growth velocity rather than the
# growth curves directly
smBv <- deriv(hgtmfd.all$fd, 1)

smB.reg.0 <- register.fd0(smBv[1:nBoys])

op <- par(mfrow=c(3,1))
lines(mean.fd(smBv[1:nBoys]), lty='dotted', col='blue')

lines(mean.fd(smBv[1:nBoys]), lty='dotted', col='blue')
# Note change of scale.
# The peak of smBv[2] at ~15.5
# is pushed off the chart as x0[2]=4.47
# looks OK

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace