fda (version

lmWinsor12: Support functions for lmWinsor


internal functions used by lmWinsor, not intended for direct use and may be changed in the future without notice.


constraintCheck(Amat, bvec, eps=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps) )
lmWinsor1(formula, data, lower=NULL, upper=NULL, trim=0,
        quantileType=7, subset, weights=NULL, na.action,
        model = TRUE, x = FALSE, y = FALSE, qr = TRUE,
        singular.ok = TRUE, contrasts = NULL, offset=NULL,
        method=c('QP', 'clip'), eps=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),
        trace=ceiling(sqrt(nrow(data))), ...)
lmWinsor2(formula, data, lower=NULL, upper=NULL, trim=0,
        quantileType=7, subset, weights=NULL, na.action,
        model = TRUE, x = FALSE, y = FALSE, qr = TRUE,
        singular.ok = TRUE, contrasts = NULL, offset=NULL,
        method=c('QP', 'clip'), eps=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),
        trace=ceiling(sqrt(nrow(data))), ...)


formula, data, lower, upper, trim, quantileType, subset, weights, na.action, model, x, y, qr, singular.ok, contrasts, offset, method, eps, trace, …

as for lmWinsor

Amat, bvec

t(Amat) and bvec are arguments to solve.QP.

See Also

lmWinsor solve.QP