ffbase (version 0.13.3)

binned_sumsq: Fast squared summing in different bins


binned_sum implements fast squared summing for given bins by calling c-code, which can be used to calculate variance and standard deviation Please note that incorrect use of this function may crash your R-session. the values of bins must be in between 1:nbins and bin may not contain NA


binned_sumsq(x, mean = rep(0, nbins), bin, nbins = max(bin), ...)

# S3 method for default binned_sumsq(x, mean = rep(0, nbins), bin, nbins = max(bin), ...)

# S3 method for ff binned_sumsq(x, mean = rep(0, nbins), bin, nbins = max(bin), ...)



numeric vector with the data to be summed squared


numeric vector with an optional mean to be subtracted from the data to be summed and squared


integer vector with the bin number for each observation


integer maximum bin number


will be passed on to the implementation.


numeric matrix where each row is a bin

numeric matrix where each row is a bin

numeric matrix where each row is a bin