filehash (version 2.4-5)

dumpEnv: Dump Environment


Dump an enviroment to a filehash database


dumpEnv(env, dbName)

dumpImage(dbName = "Rworkspace", type = NULL)

dumpObjects( ..., list = character(0), dbName, type = NULL, envir = parent.frame() )

dumpDF(data, dbName = NULL, type = NULL)

dumpList(data, dbName = NULL, type = NULL)


An object of class "filehash" is returned and a database is created.



an environment


character, name of the filehash database


type of filehash database to create


R objects to be dumped to a filehash database


character vector of object names to be dumped


environment from which objects are dumped


a data frame


  • dumpImage(): Dump the Global Environment (analogous to save.image)

  • dumpObjects(): Dump named objects to a filehash database (analogous to save)

  • dumpDF(): Dump data frame columns to a filehash database

  • dumpList(): Dump elements of a list to a filehash database


The dumpEnv function takes an environment and stores each element of the environment in a filehash database. Objects dumped to a database can later be loaded via dbLoad or can be accessed with dbFetch, dbList, etc. Alternatively, the with method can be used to evaluate code in the context of a database. If a database with name dbName already exists, objects will be inserted into the existing database (and values for already-existing keys will be overwritten).

dumpDF is different in that each variable in the data frame is stored as a separate object in the database. So each variable can be read from the database separately rather than having to load the entire data frame into memory. dumpList works in a simlar way.