ganalytics (version 0.10.7)

Metrics: Metrics


Get the metrics of the object.

Set the metrics of the object.


Metrics(object, ...)

Metrics(object) <- value

# S4 method for ANY Metrics(object, ...)

# S4 method for .query Metrics(object)

# S4 method for .query Metrics(object) <- value



An object to coerce to a list of metrics, or a query object to replace the metrics of.


Further metrics to add to the resulting list or the replacement value for the metrics of the query object (if supplied).


The replacement dimensions for the supplied object.

Methods (by class)

  • ANY: Coerce one or more supplied objects to .metrics.

  • .query: Get the list of metrics for a '.query'.

  • .query: Set the metrics for a '.query' object.

See Also

Other query object functions: Dimensions, MaxResults, SamplingLevel, SortBy, TableFilter

Other query object functions: Dimensions, MaxResults, SamplingLevel, SortBy, TableFilter