gcmr (version 1.0.3)

malaria: Gambia Malaria Data


Malaria prevalence in children in Gambia. The data are constructed from the gambia dataframe in the geoR package (Diggle and Ribeiro, 2007) by village aggregation.





A data frame with the 65 observations with the following variables

xx-coordinate of the village (UTM).
yy-coordinate of the village (UTM).
casesnumber of sampled children with malaria in each village.
sizenumber of sampled children in each village.
agemean age of the sampled children in each village.
netusefrequency of sampled children who regularly sleep under a bed-net in each village.
treatedfrequency of sampled children whose bed-net is treated.
greenmeasure of vegetation green-ness in the immediate vicinity of the village.
phcindicator variable denoting the presence (1) or absence (0) of a health center in the village.
areaindicator of the village area (Diggle et al., 2002).


Thomson, M., Connor, S., D Alessandro, U., Rowlingson, B., Diggle, P., Cresswell, M. and Greenwood, B. (1999). Predicting malaria infection in Gambian children from satellite data and bednet use surveys: the importance of spatial correlation in the interpretation of results. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 61, 2--8.

Diggle, P., Moyeed, R., Rowlingson, B. and Thomson, M. (2002). Childhood malaria in The Gambia: a case-study in model-based geostatistics, Applied Statistics 51, 493--506.


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