gdata (version 2.18.0)

interleave: Interleave Rows of Data Frames or Matrices


Interleave rows of data frames or Matrices.


interleave(..., append.source=TRUE, sep=": ", drop=FALSE)


objects to be interleaved


Boolean Flag. When TRUE (the default) the argument name will be appended to the row names to show the source of each row.


Separator between the original row name and the object name.


boolean flag - When TRUE, matrices containing one column will be converted to vectors.


Matrix containing the interleaved rows of the function arguments.


This function creates a new matrix or data frame from its arguments.

The new object will have all of the rows from the source objects interleaved. IE, it will contain row 1 of object 1, followed by row 1 of object 2, .. row 1 of object 'n', row 2 of object 1, row 2 of object 2, ... row 2 of object 'n' ...

See Also

cbind, rbind, combine


Run this code
# Simple example
a <- matrix(1:10,ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
b <- matrix(letters[1:10],ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
c <- matrix(LETTERS[1:10],ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)

# Useful example:
# Create a 2-way table of means, standard errors, and # obs

g1 <- sample(letters[1:5], 1000, replace=TRUE)
g2 <- sample(LETTERS[1:3], 1000, replace=TRUE )
dat <- rnorm(1000)

stderr <- function(x) sqrt( var(x,na.rm=TRUE) / nobs(x) )

means   <- tapply(dat, list(g1, g2), mean )
stderrs <- tapply(dat, list(g1, g2), stderr )
ns      <- tapply(dat, list(g1, g2), nobs )
blanks <- matrix( " ", nrow=5, ncol=3)

tab <- interleave( "Mean"=round(means,2),
                   "Std Err"=round(stderrs,2),
                   "N"=ns, " " = blanks, sep=" " )

print(tab, quote=FALSE)

# Using drop to control coercion to a lower dimensions:

m1 <- matrix(1:4)
m2 <- matrix(5:8)

interleave(m1, m2, drop=TRUE)  # This will be coerced to a vector

interleave(m1, m2, drop=FALSE) # This will remain a matrix

# }

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