gdata (version 3.0.0)

duplicated2: Determine Duplicate Elements


duplicated2() determines which elements of a vector or data frame are duplicates, and returns a logical vector indicating which elements (rows) are duplicates.


duplicated2(x, bothWays=TRUE, ...)


For a vector input, a logical vector of the same length as

x. For a data frame, a logical vector with one element for each row. For a matrix or array, and when MARGIN = 0, a logical array with the same dimensions and dimnames.

For more details see duplicated.



a vector or a data frame or an array or NULL.


if TRUE (the default), duplication should be considered from both sides. For more information see the argument fromLast to the function duplicated.


further arguments passed down to duplicated() and its methods.


Liviu Andronic


The standard duplicated function (in package:base) only returns TRUE for the second and following copies of each duplicated value (second-to-last and earlier when fromLast=TRUE). This function returns all duplicated elements, including the first (last) value.

When bothWays is FALSE, duplicated2() defaults to a duplicated call. When bothWays is TRUE, the following call is being executed: duplicated(x, ...) | duplicated(x, fromLast=TRUE, ...)

See Also


Run this code
iris[duplicated(iris), ]                 # 2nd duplicated value
iris[duplicated(iris, fromLast=TRUE), ]  # 1st duplicated value
iris[duplicated2(iris), ]                # both duplicated values

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab