gender (version 0.5.1)

gender_df: Use gender prediction with data frames


In a common use case for gender prediction, you have a data frame with a column for first names and a column for birth years (or, two columns specifying a minimum and a maximum potential birth year). This function wraps the gender function to efficiently apply it to such a data frame. The result is a data frame with one prediction of the gender for each unique combination of first name and birth year. The resulting data frame can then be merged back into your original data frame.


gender_df(data, name_col = "name", year_col = "year", method = c("ssa", "ipums", "napp", "demo"))


A data frame containing first names and birth year or range of potential birth years.
A string specifying the name of the column containing the first names.
Either a single string specifying the birth year associated with the first name, or character vector with two elements: the names of the columns with the minimum and maximum years for the range of potential birth years.
One of the historical methods provided by this package: "ssa", "ipums", "napp", or "demo". See gender for details.


A data frame with columns from the output of the gender function, and one row for each unique combination of first names and birth years.

See Also



Run this code
demo_df <- data_frame(names = c("Hillary", "Hillary", "Hillary",
                                "Madison", "Madison"),
                      birth_year = c(1930, 2000, 1930, 1930, 2000),
                      min_year = birth_year - 1,
                      max_year = birth_year + 1,
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Using the birth year for the predictions.
# Notice that the duplicate value for Hillary in 1930 is removed
gender_df(demo_df, method = "demo",
          name_col = "names", year_col = "birth_year")

# Using a range of years
gender_df(demo_df, method = "demo",
          name_col = "names", year_col = c("min_year", "max_year"))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab