geoR (version 1.9-4)

matern: Computer Values of the Matern Correlation Function


This function computes values of the \(\mbox{Mat\'{e}rn}\) correlation function for given distances and parameters.


matern(u, phi, kappa)


A vector matrix or array, according to the argument u, with the values of the \(\mbox{Mat\'{e}rn}\)

correlation function for the given distances.



a vector, matrix or array with values of the distances between pairs of data locations.


value of the range parameter \(\phi\).


value of the smoothness parameter \(\kappa\).


Paulo J. Ribeiro Jr.,
Peter J. Diggle


The \(\mbox{Mat\'{e}rn}\) model is defined as:

$$\rho(u;\phi,\kappa) =\{2^{\kappa-1} \Gamma(\kappa)\}^{-1} (u/\phi)^\kappa K_\kappa(u/\phi)$$

where \(\phi\) and \(\kappa\) are parameters and \(K_\kappa(\cdot)\) denotes the modified Bessel function of the third kind of order \(\kappa\). The family is valid for \(\phi>0\) and \(\kappa>0\).

See Also

cov.spatial for the correlation functions implemented in geoR, and besselK for computation of the Bessel functions.


Run this code
# Models with fixed range and varying smoothness parameter
curve(matern(x, phi= 0.25, kappa = 0.5),from = 0, to = 1.5,
      xlab = "distance", ylab = expression(rho(h)), lty = 2,
      main=expression(paste("varying  ", kappa, "  and fixed  ", phi)))
curve(matern(x, phi= 0.25, kappa = 1),from = 0, to = 1.5, add = TRUE)
curve(matern(x, phi= 0.25, kappa = 2),from = 0, to = 1.5, add = TRUE,
      lwd = 2, lty=2)
curve(matern(x, phi= 0.25, kappa = 3),from = 0, to = 1.5, add = TRUE,
      lwd = 2)
legend("topright", expression(kappa==0.5, kappa==1.5, kappa==2, kappa==3),
    lty=c(2,1,2,1), lwd=c(1,1,2,2))

# Correlations with equivalent "practical range"
# and varying smoothness parameter
curve(matern(x, phi = 0.25, kappa = 0.5),from = 0, to = 1,
      xlab = "distance", ylab = expression(gamma(h)), lty = 2,
      main = "models with equivalent \"practical\" range")
curve(matern(x, phi = 0.188, kappa = 1),from = 0, to = 1, add = TRUE)      
curve(matern(x, phi = 0.14, kappa = 2),from = 0, to = 1,
      add = TRUE, lwd=2, lty=2)      
curve(matern(x, phi = 0.117, kappa = 2), from = 0, to = 1,
      add = TRUE, lwd=2)      
legend("topright", expression(list(kappa == 0.5, phi == 0.250),
       list(kappa == 1, phi == 0.188), list(kappa == 2, phi == 0.140),
       list(kappa == 3, phi == 0.117)), lty=c(2,1,2,1), lwd=c(1,1,2,2))

Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace