⚠️There's a newer version (1.1.1) of this package. Take me there.


Create anatogram images for different organisms. For now only human male is available. This package uses the tissue coordinates from the figure in Expression Atlas. https://www.ebi.ac.uk/gxa/home https://github.com/ebi-gene-expression-group/anatomogram

If you use gganatogram please cite Expression Atlas as well. Petryszak et al. 2015 Petryszak, Robert, Maria Keays, Y. Amy Tang, Nuno A. Fonseca, Elisabet Barrera, Tony Burdett, Anja Füllgrabe et al. "Expression Atlas update—an integrated database of gene and protein expression in humans, animals and plants." Nucleic acids research 44, no. D1 (2015): D746-D752.

More plot examples can be found at https://jespermaag.github.io/blog/2018/gganatogram/


Install from github using devtools.

## install from Github


This package requires ggplot2 and ggpolypath which loads when loading the package


Available organisms

#> Warning: package 'gridExtra' was built under R version 3.4.1
#> Attaching package: 'gridExtra'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
#>     combine
hgMale <- gganatogram(data=hgMale_key, fillOutline='#a6bddb', organism='human', sex='male', fill="colour") + theme_void()
hgFemale <- gganatogram(data=hgFemale_key, fillOutline='#a6bddb', organism='human', sex='female', fill="colour") + theme_void()
mmMale <- gganatogram(data=mmMale_key, fillOutline='#a6bddb', organism='mouse', sex='male', fill="colour") + theme_void()
mmFemale <- gganatogram(data=mmFemale_key, outline = T, fillOutline='#a6bddb', organism='mouse', sex='female', fill="colour")  +theme_void()  

grid.arrange(hgMale, hgFemale, mmMale, mmFemale, ncol=4)

In order to use the function gganatogram, you need to have a data frame with organ, colour, and value if you want to.

organPlot <- data.frame(organ = c("heart", "leukocyte", "nerve", "brain", "liver", "stomach", "colon"), 
 type = c("circulation", "circulation",  "nervous system", "nervous system", "digestion", "digestion", "digestion"), 
 colour = c("red", "red", "purple", "purple", "orange", "orange", "orange"), 
 value = c(10, 5, 1, 8, 2, 5, 5), 

#>       organ           type colour value
#> 1     heart    circulation    red    10
#> 2 leukocyte    circulation    red     5
#> 3     nerve nervous system purple     1
#> 4     brain nervous system purple     8
#> 5     liver      digestion orange     2
#> 6   stomach      digestion orange     5

Using the function gganatogram with the filling the organs based on colour.

gganatogram(data=organPlot, fillOutline='#a6bddb', organism='human', sex='male', fill="colour")

Of course, we can use the ggplot themes and functions to adjust the plots

gganatogram(data=organPlot, fillOutline='#a6bddb', organism='human', sex='male', fill="colour") + 

We can also plot all tissues available using hgMale_key

#>  [1] "bone_marrow"               "frontal_cortex"           
#>  [3] "prefrontal_cortex"         "aorta"                    
#>  [5] "gastroesophageal_junction" "left_ventricle"           
#>  [7] "caecum"                    "ileum"                    
#>  [9] "rectum"                    "nose"                     
#> [11] "tongue"                    "left_atrium"              
#> [13] "pulmonary_valve"           "mitral_valve"             
#> [15] "penis"                     "nasal_pharynx"            
#> [17] "spinal_cord"               "throat"                   
#> [19] "tricuspid_valve"           "diaphragm"                
#> [21] "liver"                     "stomach"                  
#> [23] "spleen"                    "duodenum"                 
#> [25] "gall_bladder"              "pancreas"                 
#> [27] "colon"                     "small_intestine"          
#> [29] "appendix"                  "smooth_muscle"            
#> [31] "urinary_bladder"           "bone"                     
#> [33] "cartilage"                 "esophagus"                
#> [35] "skin"                      "pleura"                   
#> [37] "brain"                     "heart"                    
#> [39] "lymph_node"                "adipose_tissue"           
#> [41] "skeletal_muscle"           "leukocyte"                
#> [43] "temporal_lobe"             "atrial_appendage"         
#> [45] "coronary_artery"           "hippocampus"              
#> [47] "vas_deferens"              "seminal_vesicle"          
#> [49] "epididymis"                "tonsil"                   
#> [51] "lung"                      "trachea"                  
#> [53] "bronchus"                  "nerve"                    
#> [55] "cerebellum"                "cerebellar_hemisphere"    
#> [57] "kidney"                    "renal_cortex"
gganatogram(data=hgMale_key, fillOutline='#a6bddb', organism='human', sex='male', fill="colour") +theme_void()

We can also skip plotting the outline of the graph

organPlot %>%
    dplyr::filter(type %in% c('circulation', 'nervous system')) %>%
gganatogram(outline=F, fillOutline='#a6bddb', organism='human', sex='male', fill="colour") + 
#> Warning: package 'bindrcpp' was built under R version 3.4.4

We can fill the tissues based on the values given to each organ

gganatogram(data=organPlot, fillOutline='#a6bddb', organism='human', sex='male', fill="value") + 
theme_void() +
scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high = "red")

We can also use facet_wrap to compare groups. First create add two data frames together with different values and the conditions in the type column

compareGroups <- rbind(data.frame(organ = c("heart", "leukocyte", "nerve", "brain", "liver", "stomach", "colon"), 
  colour = c("red", "red", "purple", "purple", "orange", "orange", "orange"), 
 value = c(10, 5, 1, 8, 2, 5, 5), 
 type = rep('Normal', 7), 
 data.frame(organ = c("heart", "leukocyte", "nerve", "brain", "liver", "stomach", "colon"), 
  colour = c("red", "red", "purple", "purple", "orange", "orange", "orange"), 
 value = c(5, 5, 10, 8, 2, 5, 5), 
 type = rep('Cancer', 7), 
gganatogram(data=compareGroups, fillOutline='#a6bddb', organism='human', sex='male', fill="value") + 
theme_void() +
facet_wrap(~type) +
scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high = "red") 

You can also split the tissues into types while retaining the outline

gganatogram(data=hgMale_key, outline = T, fillOutline='#a6bddb', organism='human', sex='male', fill="colour") +
facet_wrap(~type, ncol=4) +

Added female option

All female tissues

#>  [1] "pancreas"                  "liver"                    
#>  [3] "colon"                     "bone_marrow"              
#>  [5] "urinary_bladder"           "stomach"                  
#>  [7] "duodenum"                  "esophagus"                
#>  [9] "gall_bladder"              "spleen"                   
#> [11] "small_intestine"           "placenta"                 
#> [13] "endometrium"               "vagina"                   
#> [15] "aorta"                     "gastroesophageal_junction"
#> [17] "caecum"                    "appendix"                 
#> [19] "ileum"                     "left_atrium"              
#> [21] "left_ventricle"            "pulmonary_valve"          
#> [23] "mitral_valve"              "diaphragm"                
#> [25] "bone"                      "cartilage"                
#> [27] "throat"                    "rectum"                   
#> [29] "nasal_septum"              "nasal_pharynx"            
#> [31] "cerebellum"                "cerebellar_hemisphere"    
#> [33] "prefrontal_cortex"         "frontal_cortex"           
#> [35] "nose"                      "temporal_lobe"            
#> [37] "cerebral_cortex"           "kidney"                   
#> [39] "renal_cortex"              "coronary_artery"          
#> [41] "tricuspid_valve"           "skin"                     
#> [43] "adipose_tissue"            "heart"                    
#> [45] "smooth_muscle"             "brain"                    
#> [47] "lymph_node"                "skeletal_muscle"          
#> [49] "ovary"                     "leukocyte"                
#> [51] "fallopian_tube"            "uterus"                   
#> [53] "uterine_cervix"            "nerve"                    
#> [55] "atrial_appendage"          "ectocervix"               
#> [57] "hippocampus"               "pleura"                   
#> [59] "bronchus"                  "trachea"                  
#> [61] "lung"                      "tonsil"                   
#> [63] "spinal_cord"
gganatogram(data=hgFemale_key, outline = T, fillOutline='#a6bddb', organism='human', sex='female', fill="colour")  +theme_void()

You can also split the tissues into types while retaining the outline

gganatogram(data=hgFemale_key, outline = T, fillOutline='#a6bddb', organism='human', sex='female', fill="colour") +
facet_wrap(~type, ncol=4) +

To display the female reproductive system with outline.

hgFemale_key %>%
    dplyr::filter(type=='reproductive') %>%
    gganatogram( outline = T, fillOutline='#a6bddb', organism='human', sex='female', fill="colour")  +
    theme_void()  +
    coord_cartesian(xlim = c(30, 75), ylim = c(-110, -80))

Added mouse


#>  [1] "aorta"                     "brown_adipose_tissue"     
#>  [3] "stomach"                   "duodenum"                 
#>  [5] "pancreas"                  "spleen"                   
#>  [7] "adrenal_gland"             "kidney"                   
#>  [9] "colon"                     "small_intestine"          
#> [11] "caecum"                    "jejunum"                  
#> [13] "ileum"                     "esophagus"                
#> [15] "gall_bladder"              "lymph_node"               
#> [17] "seminal_vesicle"           "penis"                    
#> [19] "femur"                     "bone_marrow"              
#> [21] "cartilage"                 "quadriceps_femoris"       
#> [23] "spinal_cord"               "lung"                     
#> [25] "diaphragm"                 "trachea"                  
#> [27] "hindlimb"                  "trigeminal_nerve"         
#> [29] "sciatic_nerve"             "intestinal_mucosa"        
#> [31] "liver"                     "heart"                    
#> [33] "brain"                     "skeletal_muscle"          
#> [35] "circulatory_system"        "blood_vessel"             
#> [37] "skin"                      "prostate_gland"           
#> [39] "vas_deferens"              "epididymis"               
#> [41] "testis"                    "urinary_bladder"          
#> [43] "thymus"                    "peripheral_nervous_system"
#> [45] "eye"
gganatogram(data=mmMale_key, outline = T, fillOutline='#a6bddb', organism='mouse', sex='male', fill="colour")  +theme_void()  

gganatogram(data=mmMale_key, outline = T, fillOutline='#a6bddb', organism='mouse', sex='male', fill="colour")  +theme_void()+facet_wrap(~type, ncol=4)


#>  [1] "aorta"                     "circulatory_system"       
#>  [3] "brown_adipose_tissue"      "stomach"                  
#>  [5] "duodenum"                  "pancreas"                 
#>  [7] "spleen"                    "adrenal_gland"            
#>  [9] "kidney"                    "colon"                    
#> [11] "small_intestine"           "caecum"                   
#> [13] "jejunum"                   "ileum"                    
#> [15] "esophagus"                 "gall_bladder"             
#> [17] "vagina"                    "uterus"                   
#> [19] "urinary_bladder"           "tongue"                   
#> [21] "Peyer's_patch"             "femur"                    
#> [23] "bone_marrow"               "cartilage"                
#> [25] "quadriceps_femoris"        "skeletal_muscle"          
#> [27] "spinal_cord"               "diaphragm"                
#> [29] "hindlimb"                  "trigeminal_nerve"         
#> [31] "eye"                       "intestinal_mucosa"        
#> [33] "brain"                     "heart"                    
#> [35] "liver"                     "sciatic_nerve"            
#> [37] "blood_vessel"              "skin"                     
#> [39] "mammary_gland"             "title8178"                
#> [41] "reproductive_system"       "lymph_node"               
#> [43] "thymus"                    "thyroid_gland"            
#> [45] "lung"                      "peripheral_nervous_system"
#> [47] "trachea"
gganatogram(data=mmFemale_key, outline = T, fillOutline='#a6bddb', organism='mouse', sex='female', fill="colour")  +theme_void()  

gganatogram(data=mmFemale_key, outline = T, fillOutline='#a6bddb', organism='mouse', sex='female', fill="colour")  +theme_void()+facet_wrap(~type, ncol=4)

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Last Published

January 1st, 1970

Functions in gganatogram (