ggpmisc (version 0.3.2)

find_peaks: Find local maxima or global maximum (peaks)


This method finds peaks (local maxima) in a spectrum, using a user selectable span and size threshold relative to the tallest peak (global maximum). This is a wrapper built on top of function peaks from package splus2R.


find_peaks(x, ignore_threshold = 0, span = 3, strict = TRUE)



numeric array


numeric value between 0.0 and 1.0 indicating the size threshold below which peaks will be ignored.


a peak is defined as an element in a sequence which is greater than all other elements within a window of width span centered at that element. The default value is 3, meaning that a peak is bigger than both of its neighbors. Default: 3.


logical flag: if TRUE, an element must be strictly greater than all other values in its window to be considered a peak. Default: TRUE.


A vector of logical values. Values that are TRUE correspond to local peaks in the data.


This function is a wrapper built on function peaks from splus2R and handles non-finite (including NA) values differently than peaks, instead of giving an error they are replaced with the smallest finite value in x.

See Also


Other peaks and valleys functions: stat_peaks