ggspatial (version 1.0.1)

geom_spatial.Raster: Deprecated functions


These functions are deprecated and should not be used.


# S3 method for Raster
geom_spatial(data, mapping = NULL, show.legend = TRUE,
  inherit.aes = FALSE, position = "identity", crsfrom = NA,
  crsto = NULL, attribute_table = NA, geom = NA, stat = NA, ...)

ggraster(data, mapping = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for Raster spatial_fortify(x, ..., format = c("wide", "long"))

# S3 method for Raster spatial_geom(x)

# S3 method for Raster spatial_default_aes(x)

# S3 method for sf geom_spatial(data, mapping = NULL, show.legend = TRUE, inherit.aes = FALSE, position = "identity", crsfrom = NA, crsto = NA, attribute_table = NA, geom = NA, stat = NA, ...)

# S3 method for sfc geom_spatial(data, mapping = NULL, show.legend = TRUE, inherit.aes = FALSE, position = "identity", crsfrom = NA, crsto = NA, attribute_table = NA, geom = NA, stat = NA, ...)

# S3 method for sf spatial_fortify(x, attrs = NA, ...)

# S3 method for sfc spatial_fortify(x, attrs = NA, ...)

# S3 method for sf spatial_geom(x)

# S3 method for sfc spatial_geom(x)

# S3 method for sf spatial_default_aes(x)

# S3 method for sfc spatial_default_aes(x)

# S3 method for SpatialPointsDataFrame spatial_fortify(x, attrs = NA, ...)

# S3 method for SpatialLinesDataFrame spatial_fortify(x, attrs = NA, ...)

# S3 method for SpatialPolygonsDataFrame spatial_fortify(x, attrs = NA, ...)

geom_spatial(data, mapping = NULL, ...)

ggspatial(data, mapping = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for data.frame geom_spatial(data, mapping = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for default geom_spatial(data, mapping = NULL, show.legend = TRUE, inherit.aes = FALSE, position = "identity", crsfrom = NA, crsto = NA, attribute_table = NA, geom = NA, stat = NA, ...)

spatial_fortify(x, attrs = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for default spatial_fortify(x, attrs = NA, ...)

stat_project(mapping = NULL, data = NULL, crsfrom = NA, crsto = NA, position = "identity", show.legend = TRUE, inherit.aes = TRUE, geom = "point", ...)

annotation_spraster(raster, interpolate = FALSE, na.value = NA)

geom_spraster_rgb(raster, interpolate = FALSE, na.value = NA)

geom_osm(x = NULL, zoomin = 0, zoom = NULL, type = NULL, forcedownload = FALSE, cachedir = NULL, progress = c("text", "none"), quiet = TRUE)

ggosm(x = NULL, zoomin = 0, zoom = NULL, type = NULL, forcedownload = FALSE, cachedir = NULL, progress = c("text", "none"), quiet = TRUE)


data, mapping, geom, stat, position, show.legend, inherit.aes


crsfrom, crsto, attribute_table



Passed to/from methods

format, attrs, x, raster, interpolate, na.value


zoomin, zoom, type, forcedownload, cachedir, progress, quiet
